Fully Bloom


Genesis provides an image of the ideal marriage: One man. One woman. In a one-flesh relationship. For life. These four elements constitute the ideal, as Jesus reminds His followers. Anything less, anything more, or anything other misses the ideal. In marriage two individuals, who once lived as “me,” come together as “we” in one flesh and one life. No earthly bond can match the intimacy of this divinely sanctioned union. The Voice Commentary

God Has The Final Say

Aren’t you grateful that God has the final say and human beings do not? We are so flawed. Jesus is not. He is perfect in all His Ways and He is the way to truth and life. He started this world with His Words, brought everything into being according to His way. His truth stands the tests of time. It will endure forever and people can’t change it or alter it in any way that eternally, simply-significantly matters. God will have the final say whether we like it or not. His court is the highest court and every person will stand before Him accountable for the decisions of their free will. No one will escape this, we all will be held accountable to God and that is a good thing, because our flesh fails us in so many ways, but God will never fail, His truth will prevail forever and we are held accountable to it forever.

Justice Belongs To God

There may not be justice here, but God is a God of justice and His justice will prevail. No doubt about it. I don’t stand with the left or with the right. I stand with Jesus Christ, His Father God, the Holy Spirit and I holy align my life with the living Word He has spoken, it is at the center of my life. God’s Word stands in my heart and no court ruling could ever change what the Word of God has spoken. Jesus is coming soon, so be about His business and be found in Him, waiting, hoping, believing and anticipating our future and hope.

He has made everything beautiful in its time. He also has planted eternity in men’s hearts and minds, a divinely implanted sense of a purpose working through the ages which nothing under the sun but God alone can satisfy, yet so that men cannot find out what God has done from the beginning to the end. Ecclesiastes 3:11 Amplified Bible

Our Flesh Is Never Satisfied

We want to do things our own way, make ourselves comfortable here in this world. But we were not created for this world, we were created with eternity in our hearts and are not supposed to be comfortable here. Nothing here will truly satisfy us, our satisfaction comes from our God and the destiny He has shaped in us. We are leaning ourselves into our humanity instead of leaning into the Sovereign sway of God. Nothing really good can come out of flesh apart from God. Doing our own thing, walking away from Gods way will only lead to more and more of the feeding of our flesh. The flesh is never satisfied and when you continually feed it, it won’t stop asking for more until it takes over you in that insatiable way it has of wreaking havoc with us. Yet, we will never escape the God shaped destiny in our hearts, we will always search for it until we are wholly-holy aligned with God. We can’t change this divine purpose planted in our hearts, never, ever and with nothing we do, can we change this divine implant in us of God’s purpose for us.

No Changing God’s Design

God’s ways can’t be changed, they are seeded by Him. We may be able to write laws that give people the “right” to do whatever they want, but the same sex marriage ruling by the courts of our land, can’t change marriage or redefine the way God intended it to be in the courts of heaven. Thankfully, there are things that can never be changed by human beings. Same sex couples can never procreate or have a baby. This ruling can’t ever change the way human beings are made. A man and a woman coming together with sperm and egg creating another human being is miraculous and no human court or human being can change this. This is one of the designs of marriage, procreating, and the court of the land can never change the shaping of a man and a woman. Nothing has really changed, except legal permission has been given for people to walk away from their God shape and try to do their own thing. Same old, same old thing that has happened throughout the course of humanity, starting with Adam and Eve doing their own thing and not effectually changing God’s preordained way, just bringing suffering and hardship on themselves. Human foolishness, thinking that we can one up God, it never ends very well. The courts of this land haven’t changed a thing. Marriage still stands the way God created it, because human beings can’t change their God given purpose, shape or destiny. A man and a man can’t create a baby and a woman and a woman can’t create a baby.

Genesis 2:20-24 The Eternal God put him into a deep sleep, removed a rib from his side, and closed the flesh around the opening. 22 He formed a woman from the rib taken out of the man and presented her to him. Adam: At last, a suitable companion, a perfect partner. Bone from my bones. Flesh from my flesh. I will call this one “woman” as an eternal reminder that she was taken out of man. Now this is the reason a man leaves his father and his mother, and is united with his wife; and the two become one flesh.

God’s Procreation Is Unchangeable

Human beings can defy somethings but the most important thing they cannot defy is God’s creative plan. They can’t change the way God has made the human body, which a male and a female fit perfectly together. Procreation defies this ruling every time a little boy or a little girl is born, their body shape and function does not change. A woman can nurse a baby, a man cannot. A man can plant a seed of new life in a woman, a woman cannot. A woman drops an egg, which the sperm of a man impregnates with a new life. Two women can’t do this, two men can’t do this. Foolish human beings, nothing God created has changed even with all of our striving, we are still under the creative authority of God. Now we have given the human “right” to lawfully be married to same sexes, but they have no God rights to procreate in marriage. It has not changed God, His ways or His truth or His human design. A woman can’t impregnate another woman and a man can’t plant a seed in another man that he will be able to carry and birth a baby. When will we human beings get it, that we don’t change God, He created us, He changes us, we don’t change Him or His creative plan of procreation, life and ways of life.

This Side Of Heaven Only

The rights human beings are awarded by a human court mean nothing in the courts of God, they have not changed anything, except giving themselves the earthly right to make choices that move themselves away from God’s natural design for them. It is sad for them that they have chosen second best. They will never know the full pleasures of life God has designed for them. They will never know the children God had planned for them. I hope that they enjoy their earthly time and earthly rights, because it stops here. We can try to make our own way here and do things our own way here, but we can only do this on this side of heaven. Life is short here on this earth and pleasure and earthly gain is temporary, we all die, we can’t change this. Life with God is eternal, forever and abundant in ways we can’t even hope for or imagine. I choose this life. I defy my flesh, I flesh out and breathe in God’s life. I can only hope the same for you, it is the best way, the way that leads to life in full bloom and yes, sometimes narrow, but all the times fully satisfying. Don’t settle for a half full glass when you can have it all, overflowing joy living the life God destined for you. Choose to fully bloom in Christ’s way, truth and life, there is no better way.

Matthew 19: Jesus: 26 People cannot save themselves. But with God, all things are possible. Peter: 27 You just told that man to leave everything and follow You. Well, all of us have done just that. So what should we be expecting? Jesus: 28 I tell you this. When creation is consummated and all things are renewed, when the Son of Man sits on His throne in glory, you who have followed Me will also sit on thrones. There will be twelve thrones, and you will sit and judge the twelve tribes of Israel. 29 You who have left your house and your fields, or your brothers and sisters, or your father and mother, or even your children in order to follow Me, at that time when all is renewed, you will receive so much more: you will receive 100 times what you gave up. You will inherit eternal life.

Live For Eternity In Full Bloom

The best way to live is not for earth and all its rights, but for heaven and eternity. One is temporary, the other is eternal. Sometimes we have to say no to our flesh that wants temporary and in doing so, we are saying yes to a forever. The sad part is that you can have a good same sex partnership, have fun and enjoy everything you want in this life, but it ends here. To God, there is no such thing as a same sex marriage, He did not create it, nor did He create human beings for it, therefore it is temporary in humanity and does not translate into eternal. The best way to live life is by the way God created it, it is the most fulfilling life. What human beings create out of their own desires, stepping outside the will of God is never fully fulfilling, as you step outside of the way your body was created to function, you will never know the abundance of joy God has created you for, you will never fully bloom in your God given destiny. Same sex marriage is a travesty of justice because it robs, steals and destroys people’s destiny. Think of all the children God had planned to be born from men and women who have chosen to go their own way, who will never have these children, never know the joy of having their own child that God had planned for them. This is sad to me and I grieve for them as I know God grieves too.

“So what does full or abundant life, look like? The Greek word that we translate as ‘full’ or ‘abundantly’ is perissos – which means ‘more than sufficient’ or ‘over & above what is required’. It can also mean ‘out of the ordinary’, or ‘superior’. So the life Jesus offers us something totally extraordinary, quite unlike anything else we can experience. A life of completeness, fulfilment and joy. Jesus said, “I have come, that they may have life, and have it to the full.” What God desires, is for his children to live a life full of happiness, peace, and a genuine friendship with God. Paul in Galatians writes about the fruit of the spirit being love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control (Gal 5:22), to this we could also add purity, humility, modesty, faith, character, wisdom, enthusiasm, dignity, optimism, confidence, and honesty. This is the life that Jesus offers us, this is what it means to have life in all its fullness.” Author~ Simon Bickersteth

The way of the flesh never truly satisfies and this has always been the human downfall. We human beings can’t alter the truth and we can’t change God’s creation. When we try to do this, we all lose big and innocence loses bigger as destinies are not realized and we never know the joy of living life the best way, in full bloom as God specifically destined us to be. Author~KimberlyMac

God still speaks and I want to be an Author that pens what He is saying now to His Church. I hope that every meal that you partake of will nourish your soul and establish your vital-vertical relationship with God. Please share this meal “Fully Bloom” with as many people as you can, this will help the Body of Christ to be nourished by God. Use social media share buttons below to share this post with others. I hope you browse the other tables in The Bridegroom’s Cafe and enjoy feeding your soul here. Please leave a comment to encourage me and others. Thank you KimberlyMac

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