Hope’s Anthem

Worship SpotLIGHT
Worship SpotLIGHT

Even youths shall faint and be weary, and selected young men shall feebly stumble and fall exhausted; But those who wait for the Lord, who expect, look for, and hope in Him shall change and renew their strength and power; they shall lift their wings and mount up close to God as eagles mount up to the sun; they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint or become tired. Isaiah 40:30-31 Amplified Bible

Activate Your Hope In God

There is literally no way to trust when hope is not activated. The two go together hand in hand. Our souls need hope, it is like the breathe of life to our emotions, to our trust. Jesus Christ is the hope of all of us, He is our future, and He is the Way-Maker to our forever. The best thing we can do in this life is anchor our soul to the hope of Jesus Christ. Do you have hope? If you do not, let Jesus breathe life into your soul. We must thirst for God and God alone. Lord awaken Your hope in us, we pray you call forth our destiny. Jesus, you are the hope of mankind and we place our trust in You. Cause us to not be moved or shaken by the things of this world, let Your hope be our steadfast anchor in the all of our everything.

Be Deeply Rooted In The Kingdom

Lord Jesus, may we be deeply rooted in the Kingdom of God. We live in a broken world, yet we can live in joyful hope of our future and of our today lived out in Your life, strength and peace. We hope to be steadfast in You, Jesus, You are the song of our joy and we desire for Your hope to arise in us, higher than the worldly viewpoint, high enough to see Your Kingdom perspective.

A Life Anchor That Holds

Our life anchor can be steadfast through every life storm when it is anchored in Jesus Christ. Our hope is in Jesus, we will not be shaken as we embrace the heart of God and bring hope to the hopeless. He is our joy, the song we declare and the hope that arises in our souls. Let hope arise in you today, cling to Jesus, dig your life roots deeply in His Kingdom.

Be Spirit-Led By God’s Truth

Keep your hope in Christ alive in the midst of the storms of your life. Be still, wait on God and trust Him completely. You will find His Presence as a place of refuge, the shelter that will stand throughout every storm. Don’t be governed by your feelings, but be spirit-led by the truth, knowing that the I AM is in charge of the all of your life. Live your life surrounded by God’s saving grace from inside of you to the outside of you, impacting your world with His hope and life. Inside of your spirit, God’s hope is an eternal flame from the candle of His peace that is ablaze in your heart. God’s radiance will shine out of your spirit as a light house shimmers hope on the ocean, bringing hope to those who are lost and have been drifting aimlessly in the dark sea of despair in this world and point them to their forever hope in Christ Jesus. God bless you as you let His hope arise in you.

“Two types of voices command your attention today. Negative ones fill your mind with doubt, bitterness, and fear. Positive ones purvey hope and strength. Which one will you choose to heed?” Author~Max Lucado

What an incredible “Worship SpotLIGHT” we have this week in The Bridegroom’s Café. Jesus is calling to our destiny to be hopeful people of truth and promise. This song, “Hope’s Anthem” by Bethel Music is an incredible encouragement to stir up the God hope inside of us. I pray it would be so. I hope you enjoyed your stay in The Bridegroom’s Café today and I pray your soul was fed by God’s hope. Please share this hope with others by using the social media buttons below. I would love, love to hear from you, so please leave a comment on how this post inspired your hope in God. God bless you MUCH, KimberlyMac

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