Christmas Conqueror

Merry Christmas From Jesus, The Christmas Conqueror

Are you struggling through this life season, feeling like you can’t wait until this holiday season is over because it is adding more stress to your life when you already feel totally under it all?  Do you feel like this: “I can’t take another thing”. Do you feel under it all? Do you feel bruised and banged up by life in this fallen world? Consider this, change your focus to a Christmas focus, to a baby, the King of heaven, lying in  a manger, Jesus, Who came to us and changed everything for us. The heart of the Gospel of Jesus Christ is change. And our Christmas Conqueror, He changed everything for our good, in that miraculously merrily so, victorious kind of way. Listen Up:


Who shall ever separate us from the love of Christ? Will tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or danger, or sword? Just as it is written and forever remains written, “For Your sake we are put to death all day long; We are regarded as sheep for the slaughter.” Yet in all these things we are more than conquerors and gain an overwhelming victory through Him who loved us, so much that He died for us. Romans 8:35-37 Amplified Bible

JOY To The World We Serve A Risen Christmas Savior!

We live in a fallen world, yes we do, BUT we serve and belong wholly-holy to our Risen Christmas Savior, Jesus Christ. We do face things in this world that seem more than what we can handle. Even our Savior, Jesus, Who came to us to save us, faced the horrific human sin nature of hurting, lost people who were being used by the enemy of our souls to hurt people. Jesus was wounded by their transgressions. It was a silent night that ushered in the Savior, it was a holy night beyond what any of us could ever even begin to imagine. The purity and perfect righteousness of God came to us, came to earth for us. This baby that changed everything, He came incarnate, so He could have the best viewpoint that encompassed ALL of our finite with His Infinite as He shrouded us with His Kingdom perspective.

JOY To The World, We Have Jesus’ Love And God’s Will For Us!

Our Christmas Conqueror, Jesus,  came to us to show us the power of the LOVE that the Father God had for us and how this love is all we need as we fight the good fight of our faith. Christmas was the powerful breakthrough of God’s Sovereign Will and it was led forth by God’s powerful love. The Sovereign will of God goes hand in hand with the Infinite love of God, nothing breaks these apart, no enemy, no worldly situation, no one, nothing can separate the power of God’s Sovereign Will that is always accompanied by His Infinite love. This is the Providence of God gifted to us Christmas day. Jesus changed everything for us.

JOY To The World, The Providence Of God Is Still In Play Here!

This Providence of God purposefully came to us to display in a tangible way the love of God for us. We had seen the Will of God in play, but this act of our divine Heavenly Father would give us a forever picture of how powerful the love of God is as it ushers in His Sovereign Will. The love of God came to us in meekness. Power under control to benefit another, to change another’s destiny is a love that no one can ever duplicate. It is an original love that came to stamp out an original sin and pay the penalty of that sin. The Sovereign will of God and the Infinite Love of God is a power that no enemy can stand up against. This incredible display of The Providence of God, through the purposes of God doing good for us and bringing glory to His Kingdom, is what makes Christianity the only way, truth and life that can and will endure, rising above every single challenge of this fallen world.

JOY To The World, God’s Best Came To Us!

God gave us His best, His son, Jesus. This baby born in a manger in Bethlehem, was a baby that changed everything for us. There is no challenge that we face alone without the power of our Christmas Conqueror, Jesus Christ being with us and fully for us. We may feel like this world has stepped down on our neck and we can’t move. We may feel that this challenge we are facing is going to do us in, that we can’t rise above it. This is a lie. The Savior of the world, born as a vulnerable baby, that the enemy tried to take out several times, this vulnerable Christ Child, was totally taken care of supernaturally by His Father God and so are we. We are His. We belong to a Christmas Conqueror.

JOY To The World, Jesus Rises In Our Challenges!

In every great challenge we face in our life right now, this baby this Christmas Savior has purposefully changed the destiny of it. Now, because of Jesus, every great challenge we are growing through, also has the Providence of the Father God running its course through it. The greater the challenge, the greater the God purpose in the challenge. There is no challenge that we are facing that the purposes of God can’t rise up out of and create a glory to God message out of the mess. None. Every great challenge we face in this life will always have a greater God purpose in play in the challenge. The challenge may be great, but the God purpose in the challenge will always be greater because of our Christmas Conqueror, Jesus Christ.

JOY To The World We Serve A Conquering Christmas Savior!

We do feel the challenge of living in a fallen world, we feel it every day, but we should not pursue these feelings, we should fight the good fight of faith, step out into the challenge, knowing God’s Providence, His purposes are in play for our good and the glory of His Kingdom. We should pursue God and His Kingdom first. The Providence of God always has a twofold purpose in play. God is for us and He is working to miraculously bring forth the best possible outcome that will bring His goodness out in the open and yield great glory to His Kingdom. He is for us, He is for His Kingdom. Jesus is not held down by our broken world, He is a Risen Christmas Savior. He was born to die, to testify to the world that death could not hold Him because the power of The Sovereignty of God and the Infinite Love of God joined forces forever, to provide eternity for all. Jesus was born to die, but He was also born to rise as a Christmas Conqueror. Baby Jesus changed everything and nothing will ever be the same. We may live in a fallen world and feel the consequences of that challenge daily, but we belong to a Risen Christmas Savior, Who came to us to save, deliver and heal us. We are more than conquerors in Christ Jesus. Baby Jesus changed everything, He died our death, so we could live His powerful life. He is our Christmas Conqueror.

JOY To The World, Jesus Changed Everything For Us!

We can do all things through Christ Who strengthens us. We are more than conquerors in this world. God came to us and established on earth as it is in heaven, His Sovereign Will accompanied by His Infinite love. There is no greater power as the Infinite Love of God and the Sovereign Will of God unified. We celebrate joyfully Jesus, birth.  Jesus was born and He changed everything that matters and He did it for us. There is nothing that can hold us down or keep us out. We fall down, we get up in the power of Jesus Christ. We are challenged, we rise up as His Christmas Conquerors. Jesus changed everything for us. He came to us, to be with us forever in love, strength and power and everything is possible with our Christmas Savior, Jesus Christ. Nothing and no one can hold us down or back. We are His Christmas Conquerors.

JOY To The World, Praise The Christmas Conqueror, Jesus Christ!

Because of Who You are in Christ Jesus, you don’t have to chase your feelings, you can pursue God and find Him and be full of Him and you don’t have to be stuck in this world and all of its junk be over you and you under it all. You can be a citizen of heaven, not in pursuit of what this world offers, but living to bring glory, value and honor to the Kingdom of God. You are in this world, but not of this world. Jesus changed everything for you, accept Him wholly-holy today and receive the eternal life and the citizenship of the Kingdom of God. Be found in Him, this baby, Who changed everything, Jesus Christ. Now we can live and reign with Him in this life and be His Christ conquerors and nothing and no one can separate us from Him, His love, His power and His Kingdom. The twofold purposes of God’s Providence is working in our life challenges of this fallen world. Jesus will by the power of His resurrection, change everything for our good and for the glory of His Kingdom. Praise the Conquering Christ Child, Jesus and celebrate His birth that changed everything for us, rejoice with great JOY. Merry Christmas, Miraculously Merrily So.


So what should we say about all of this? If God is on our side, then tell me: whom should we fear? If He did not spare His own Son, but handed Him over on our account, then don’t you think that He will graciously give us all things with Him? Can anyone be so bold as to level a charge against God’s chosen? Especially since God’s “not guilty” verdict is already declared. Who has the authority to condemn? Jesus the Anointed who died, but more importantly, conquered death when He was raised to sit at the right hand of God where He pleads on our behalf. So who can separate us? What can come between us and the love of God’s Anointed? Can troubles, hardships, persecution, hunger, poverty, danger, or even death? The answer is, absolutely nothing. As the psalm says, On Your behalf, our lives are endangered constantly; we are like sheep awaiting slaughter. But no matter what comes, we will always taste victory through Him who loved us. For I have every confidence that nothing—not death, life, heavenly messengers, dark spirits, the present, the future, spiritual powers, height, depth, nor any created thing—can come between us and the love of God revealed in the Anointed, Jesus our Lord. Romans 8: 31-39 The Voice

What a sweet “Worship SpotLIGHT” we have this week in The Bridegroom’s Café. The Christmas Worship Spotlight today is by Faith Hill entitled: A Baby Changes Everything. It is a great Christmas Song, that will deeply encourage your soul and help you know that you are God’s Christmas Conqueror in Christ Jesus. I hope you enjoyed your stay in The Bridegroom’s Café today and I pray your soul was fed by in that Miraculously Merrily So way of God. Please share this hope with others by using the social media buttons below. I would love, love to hear from you, so please leave a comment on how this post inspired you to increase your praise, thankfulness and gratefulness to God. God bless you MUCH, KimberlyMac

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