We Must

Be sure that your faith is in God alone. Do not waver, for a person with divided loyalty is as unsettled as a wave of the sea that is blown and tossed by the wind. Such people should not expect to receive anything from the Lord. Their loyalty is divided between God and the world, and they are unstable in everything they do. James 1:6-8 NLT

We Must…Stabilize With God’s Word

We must stabilize our lives with, in and through God’s truth. There is a deception that has been unleased in this generation that we are no match for. We can’t figure things out anymore, we can’t have a lukewarm life that is half finite dependent and half infinite dependent. We must decide either independence or God dependence. Without God, we will falter in our own limited knowledge, with God, in followship of His Holy Spirit, we can do all things excellently. We must fight against the false narrative that is destroying the unity of our country by raising up a standard of God’s Truth. Speak It Up.

Nations will fight against other nations; kingdoms will fight against other kingdoms. There will be times when there is no food for people to eat, and there will be earthquakes in different places. These things are like the first pains when something new is about to be born. “Then people will arrest you, hand you over to be hurt, and kill you. They will hate you because you believe in me.  At that time, many will lose their faith, and they will turn against each other and hate each other. Many false prophets will come and cause many people to believe lies. There will be more and more evil in the world, so most people will stop showing their love for each other. But those people who keep their faith until the end will be saved. Matthew 24:7-13 NCV

We Must…Exchange Our Worldly Viewpoint

We must be all in with God in times such as these, or we will succumb to the deception of this age, and we will be offended by those who revel in lawlessness, our hearts will grow cold and we will point fingers of blame at them, becoming lame and an offender just like them. We must learn new spiritual habits that dethrone our human condition, keeping us from the enticement of all things us, exchanging a worldly viewpoint for a kingdom perspective. This is a narrow life path, it is difficult, not as easy as the broad path of this world, but much more rewarding and victorious in the end.

We Must…Institute The Bow.

Have you bowed? Change the narrative of your life from selfish pride and foolishness to selflessness and God wisdom. Bow. Let every first step of every new day be down. Step out and bow down before God in humility, reverence and respect. Bow before God and surrender to Him yourself and your day, submitting to His followship, to His Holy Spirit, to the fullness of His Truth. Bow, holy-wholly align yourself with God first. Connect with God heart to Heart and spirit to Spirit. Bow.

We Must…Wait On God’s Wisdom

We must wait on truth. What are you thinking, speaking, and acting out of? Is it true reality or is it a fake rationality? How can you know? A doctor always goes past the symptom and gets to the root of the problem. A false reality is created by untruth. Breaking this down even more, getting to the root, it starts with God’s discernment. We must unbind our blinded eyes from any personal bias. Clear eyesight, clarity of heart and an uncluttered mind will keep our spiritual eyes focused on God’s Truth, which thwarts the plan of the enemy at the get go of a false narrative, and stops its divisiveness before we start living out of a created fake reality.

Brothers and sisters, think about the things that are good and worthy of praise. Think about the things that are true and honorable and right and pure and beautiful and respected. Philippians 4:8 New Century Version

We Must…Think God’s Thoughts

A false narrative created by the father of lies will absolutely lean us into and push us forward to creating a fake reality in our mind that works falsity out into our soul attitudes, affecting our will and finding its way to the corruption of our actions. I submit to you in this God exhortation, that in this season of our lives, we must get back to the basics of the purity of God’s truth. How does truth trickle down into our behavior? How does the ways of our God become our way of living? We must become 100 percent truth proof. We think on what is pure, what is right, what is honorable and of good report. The false-negative thoughts, we take captive and do not allow counterfeit narrative that is not completely true, to affect our reality, to influence our thoughts, attitudes, speech or actions. We seek the mind of God in prayer, we ask for His truth to be revealed.

We Must…Shut Off The False Narrative.

I submit to you in times such as these, we are being shaped by our enemy through false narrative. We must clean up our lives and stop living out of a sloppy, broad, casual worldly viewpoint. We must have the self-discipline to shut off false narratives. We need to tighten up the circle around our hearts, guard our hearts by living out of a Kingdom perspective, the narrow way of God truth which is 100 percent truth.

We Must…Increase The Intake Of God’s Word

Our enemy is seeking to divide our hearts from God and separate us from others. In doing this, in causing incivility, satan is inciting us towards the resistance of truth and rebellion from God and moving us towards a lawless-loveless living. Lawlessness is supported by what? Not truth? Lawlessness is undergirded by the father of lies, our real enemy. Our enemy who comes to steal, kill and destroy. What is our enemy focused on? Our freedom, the liberty to choose to be all that God created us to be. Our enemy wants to steal the freedom of this country. We must resist evil and cling to God. We must shut off the flow of false narrative in our lives and increase the Word of God. God’s life-changing, living Word is amazingly miraculous and has a infinite influence over our finite nature, changing things in our character way, way up.

The splinter of divided loyalty shatters your compass and leaves you dizzy and confused. James 1:8 The Voice

We Must…Wholly-Holy Align With God’s Truth

When we buy into a false narrative, we are on our way to being deceived and tricked by leaning our lives into a created fake reality that is sustained by lies. We are being influenced in all we think, say and do by the very enemy that we vowed not to serve, and all of his principalities and powers are intentionally directing the narrative we give our ears to, we shape our living by. We are deceived by false narratives spewing out of our news media and many other places, we must resubmit our minds to God, to His Thoughts first. The Word of God is powerful in an incredibly miraculous way and we must wholly-holy align our lives, position our lives in God’s truth and stand firmly on the side of the fullness of His Word.

For the word of God is living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing to the division of soul and spirit, of joints and marrow, and discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart. Hebrews 4:12 RSVCE

We Must…Not Take Up An Offense

What is a false narrative? Is it what we are hearing from this 24-7 mediatic frenzy every single day, in so many ways. False is the opposite of truth, therefore fake realism is the opposite of true reality. A reality created out of false narrative is a crooked path with a craftily intended purpose of offense, which our enemy hopes to dead end us with. When we take up an offense that has been deceptively connived, out of a false narrative, it divides us from God and others and we become highly susceptible to the wiles of the devil. The first misconception is we think people are our enemy. Our enemy is not of flesh and blood, satan, our real enemy wants to kill our relationship with God, steal our civility and destroy all good in us. Don’t underestimate the enemy, because he can and he will generate out of his fake reality, a lawlessness that we never in our wildest imagination thought we could be capable of. Guard your heart from false narrative.

We Must Flesh Out~Change It Up

If you turn on the main stream news media, or take the compassion fatigue blinders off your eyes, you will clearly see in full color reality, this deplorable lawlessness that is center stage in our nation, in this season of time. Disrespect, Dishonor, Disparagement, Dilapidation, Disregard, Disdain, Dereliction, Deprivation, Debility, Disrepute, Disgrace, Discredit, Derision, Degradation, Decrepitude, Depression, Despair, Decay, and Death. The “D’s” of the devil have become our narrative, and are writing our story. The devil’s playground is our nation in times such as these. We must change it up. In a fractured world where “divided” is our human condition, and major moral gaps make civility unreachable, we need God, we need to return wholly-holy to our God.

We Must…Be God’s Voice Of Truth

Let’s get to the bottom of the lawlessness that is rampant in our country by praying it up to God, asking Him to reveal secreted evil and to change it up. Let’s single out the disrespectful attitudes, the angry emotions and the dishonoring actions and walk them back. When we do this, we will find at the beginning of the falling into the sin of dishonor, disrespect and incivility is our created fake reality, which rests upon the false narratives that we have let take our minds and captivate our nation. False narratives divide us. Divided we fall. Less Falsity Spoken ~ More Civility Experienced. Be A Part Of Restoring Civility. Speak Only Truth.

Pride goes before destruction, and an haughty spirit before a fall. When pride comes, then comes shame: but with the lowly is wisdom. Before destruction the heart of man is haughty, and before honor is humility. Prov. 16:18; 18:12; 11:2

We Must…Resist Evil

What is a false narrative? Simply-Significantly it is pride, fully spoken out of a self-centered and self-focused life. Pride begins with the enticement of our original sin, the wanting to know about something God has held back. We don’t know everything, that is God’s position and place. He is Sovereign, He is all knowing, we are not. Yet, we wrongly think we know it all. We want to be the revealer and we want to be in control of the direction of the narrative and align it with our prideful, opinionated bias. We haughtily think we know it all. Our pride fleshes itself out and it begins with a narrative, multiple statements without the fullness of truth, with deceptive motives of creating a false reality that bends people’s will in the direction of our personal bias. Cultural say-so is untrue, opinionated bias and this is a broad, dangerous path to find yourself on.

We Must…Not Be Used To Speak Falsity

A false narrative repeating itself over and over again, through a mediatic frenzy of words, that do not bear any real truth, will create a fake reality in our thought processing. I have to sadly admit, the enemy has been brilliant in his use of false narrative in and against this country. We have bought into the center stage of our country, the narrative of the father of lies, and this falsity has corrupted our minds, setting up our soul for the trap of offense. It is the false narrative of our time that has formed the divide between God and mankind and created a huge gap of disunity, heart to heart in the people God created to live peaceably together in unity with Him. We must stop being used by the enemy to speak false narrative, it incites people. False Narrative is destructive to our unity and those who speak it, will be responsible for it’s outcome. Wait On God For Truth. Misinformation Promotes Hysteria. Listen To God First And Speak Up With The Truth He Provides.

We Must…Develop Patient Endurance

False narrative? How do we guard our heart from it? It begins in our mind. We choose what we listen too, we choose our thought focus. We need to tighten up the boundaries of our lives, stop living casual, anything goes lives, and begin to be people who are 100 percent truth proof. How can a narrative pass the truth test? Evidence. Proof. These are two things that are synonymous with finding and having patient endurance and are the enemy of impulsive human reaction. We must trust God enough to patiently endure as we wait on Him to reveal what is true. The Holy Spirit will shatter the darkness of deceit as we keep our minds on Him. God will speak truth to us. Listen up and wait on truth. Make a commitment to not run off with an assumption, but to wait for God’s truth.

We Must…Develop Spiritual Habits

We must develop a spiritual habit of not reacting foolishly to what we hear, but responding to God first. Will we be a reactor of the father of lies, or will be a responder to the Living Truth? We must not be the devil’s narrative. We must speak responsibly, because if we are sharing a false narrative, we are accountable to God for the incivility and disunity it evokes. Look Up. Let’s keep God at the center of our focus. Change it up. Speak what is true, act out of God’s Truth. Let these be our new spiritual habits.

There are two paths before you; you may take only one path. One doorway is narrow. And one door is wide. Go through the narrow door. For the wide door leads to a wide path, and the wide path is broad; the wide, broad path is easy, and the wide, broad, easy path has many, many people on it; but the wide, broad, easy, crowded path leads to death. Matthew 7:13 The Voice

We Must…Walk In God Discernment

A false narrative is fake news and unlike the gospel, it is not good news and it does not stand the tests of time. A false narrative, generates bogus, dead end news, and launches a counterfeit reality. The truth of the Gospel creates a path of living, true actuality, a genuine realism. A reality based on 100 percent God truth is fool proof living. A false narrative is easily detected if we are living in a vital-vertical relationship with God and His discernment is purposefully working out of our choice, of wholly-holy submission to His way, truth and life. The way of truth is a narrow path, may we walk on it. Pray It UP. Live it Up. Speak It UP.

We Must…Be Selfless In All Our Ways

A false narrative is supported by a shaky foundation of lies that entice our flesh to step up higher than God. We position our name and our cause higher than His name and His Kingdom. A false narrative is designed to produce a reality where there is no power higher than self, we serve no one, or no knowledge higher than us and we live out of what our minds can muster, what we want, think and feel. In a reality formed by a false narrative, we are at the center of it and life becomes about us being dependent upon our flesh, because we know everything there is to know and we don’t need God or anyone else. We’ve got this. Wrong, we don’t have it right. We need to Listen UP in order to not make fools out of ourselves, as we impulsively run, crazy wild with something not even true. Misinformation is famous for promoting hysteria that leads to riotous incivility.

We Must…Wait For Evidentiary Truth

A false narrative is just that, fake. Why? Because there is no proof, no evidence. Therefore, a false narrative can create a fake reality. Why? Because a false narrative is based upon assumption, speculation, presupposition, rationalization, presumptions which are all words with one common denominator, the father of lies, satan. When we begin forming opinions out of another person’s rationalized say-so, which has no truth, no evidence, no proof, and only offers speculation, assumption, presumptions or presupposition, then we are on the way to stepping into the fake reality the enemy is building in our minds and hoping to change our life course with.

We Must…Promote Civility With Our Speech

True reality? Fake Realism? Which one are you living out of? I guess the survey says it all. Look at your life. Are you angry? Are you breaking the law? Which law? The basic law where all living springs out of loving God with all your heart, soul, mind and will and loving your neighbor as you love yourself? When we break this law first, then all the other orders of morality fall right behind it. Civility is at an all-time low in this country and lawlessness is rampant. Why? Our biased ranting about all things us, all things our way is a false narrative and is promoting incivility and lawlessness in this nation.

We Must…Be Respectful, Honest, Honorable

People are blatantly dishonest in times such as these and respect is no longer a two-way street, in fact it goes no higher than self-interest and it has been corrupted by the human condition. The law of the land is not respected and broken without any judicial fairness, justice or accountability. Honor is tainted by pride and we are disrespecting God and each other at an alarming rate of decline. Reverence for God and each other has been sacrificed on the altar of false narrative. Where there is a false narrative blaring without any accountability or responsibility for its consequences, without concern for the reap and sow effect of our lives, we become a divided, angry, bitter people. This is our reality. We must change it up, we must return to God, ask for forgiveness and pray for this nation to be renewed, revived in God’s love, honor, truth, respect and civility.

You are great and do marvelous deeds; you alone are God. Teach me your way, Lord, that I may rely on your faithfulness; give me an undivided heart, that I may fear your name. I will praise you, Lord my God, with all my heart; I will glorify your name for ever. Psalm 86 NIV

We Must…Have An Undivided Heart

Divided in heart from God and each other we will fall as a nation. This is the enemies plan. Everything that a false narrative and a created fake reality brings forth, is bad for our human condition. Under the current season of a stepped up false narrative, for the evil intention of destroying our liberty, we have found a really bad reality for us as a nation in a divide we can’t repair. We are so blinded to our current reality, by our created false reality, that we have no idea how close we are to losing our freedom. A country divided will fall. An accepted false narrative has led to a people who are disrespectful, dishonorable and lawless and has created a divide that no human can fix. The incivility weaved into our fake reality has engulfed our human compassion and completely blindsided it with a fatigue like no other. We as a nation have a finite divide that only our Infinite Jesus can bridge.

We Must…Patiently Endure

As for me and my house, my life in Christ, I have decided the narrow path of followship of Jesus is the only way to navigate through the prevalent false narrative of our time. I want to live in the reality of God’s life, love, truth and way. I don’t want to lean into a false narrative, or be the captive of a fake reality. I want to be 100 percent God-truth proof. I will not think on an assumption, presumption, rationalization, speculation, or presupposition, I will cast them out of my mind. I will not have a biased opinion that rules my heart, I will live out of a Godly perspective. I will not be used by the enemy of my soul to speak a false narrative. I will listen up to God and I will speak His truth. I will pray for this country and its leaders, hoping and believing in God to speak what is true to us and change the false narrative that is prevalent in our culture, to one of His Truth.

We Must…Wait For Proof Before We Speak

I will live higher than supporting a false narrative, I will patiently endure and wait upon truth, evidence and proof before I think, speak or act out of anything. I will take each thought captive and if it is not truth, it does not get to influence my thoughts, attitudes or behaviors. I will patiently endure, waiting and holding out for God to reveal truth and I will be a person accountable and responsible to and for God’s truth.

We Must…Make The Choice For Truth

The consequences of a false narrative are huge for us. False narratives create fake reality and there is nothing of God’s light and truth in this, it is all based on a shaky foundation that divides us and is setting us up to fall, opening the way for us to be conquered by our enemy. When we become the irresponsible voice of a false narrative, paying forward a fake reality, we will be responsible for the division, incivility and lawlessness that false narratives lead too. Lawlessness leaves wounds and if we have shared a false narrative that has led to riotous incivility, the consequences are on us. Have you noticed that the spoof of the enemy goes from funny to crude and then to cruel hatred that wounds, isolates and divides people? This is our late night television shows. It is no longer funny. Promoting lawlessness is not funny, it is stealing, killing and destroying us. At the foundation of our lawlessness is the deceptive enticement of false narrative and it needs to stop in the name of Jesus. Pray It Up.

We Must…Wholly-Holy Align With God’s Truth

Divided we fall. Be responsible and accountable to God and STOP the influence of false narrative in your life. Ask God for the evidence, ask God for the verdict built upon truth and wait for it. Resist the enemy and his speculation, assumption and presumption and wait for God to reveal truth. Be found in God, responsible, accountable to God for every thought, every attitude, every word spoken and every action. May our lives be lived out of His Truth. Wholly-Holy Alignment with God in a vital-vertical relationship, with His living truth, this is what we diligently need to pursue in times such as these. We must cleanse our lives, and purify our thoughts from every false narrative.

We Must…Speak Up

Prayer is not the end all, it is the best beginning to the truth being spoken. God is speaking, we must listen up to Him and speak up what He says. Make crooked places straight by demanding evidence, real proof, don’t settle for the less of assumption, presumption, say-so, opinion, presupposition, presumption or rationalized foolishness. Pray It Up. Ask for it, proof. Wait for truth before you impulsively react to the false narratives of our time. If it is an assumption or speculation, this is NOT truth, it is a false narrative. Be a person, who has patiently endured in prayer, stood on the side of revealed truth and acts out of the realism of Godly revelation, responding to the false narratives and fake created realities of our time by pointing people to God, His way, His truth and His forever life and asking them to refrain from false narrative because it is dividing our country from God and each other.

We Must…Connect With God Heart To Heart

Bow before God, now. We must clean up our thought processes, cleanse our minds, souls and hearts from every false narrative we have bought into our lives. It is time to put on the Armor of God, and guard our hearts with all diligence, for out of them flows the realism of our life in Christ Jesus, for His Kingdom. We have a promise that the Light of God’s truth will never be extinguished, so we must find our way to that light in these dark times and bask in the Light of God’s truth, so much so that we glow His Glory and are a beacon of His Light that shatters fake realities and brings others to a future in Him.

We Must…Be So

Look Up. Pray It Up. Listen Up. Change It Up. Armor Up. Speak Up. Live Up for God and unto God and when He returns, may He find us being about His life, His truth, His way all for His good and the glory of His Kingdom. Be So.

“We Must Wholly-Holy Align With God, Now. We Must Bow, Adjust Daily, So We Can Stay Positioned in His Life, Truth And Way. We Must Resist The Evil Of False Narrative, Reveal The Truth Of God. We Must Stand With God On The Side Of Truth As His Servant Prayer Warriors, Fully Armored Up In Times Such As These, In The Fullness Of His Life And Truth. We Must~Be So.” KimberlyMac

Servant Warrior, Thank you for stopping in The Bridegroom’s Café and partaking of such a nourishing meal today. I pray this exhortation changes things up for us in this nation. I pray for a revival by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit of God that shakes this nation at its roots, reaching the farthest and deepest than any touch of God we have ever seen. Pray with me and allow God to shape your heart, guard your heart and prepare your heart for the days to come. God bless you MUCH, KimberlyMac PS. A great tool that God has given to help us “ListenUP” “ArmorUP” and “PrayItuP” is The Bridegroom’s Voice. I highly encourage you to purchase one for you and gift one and begin your Great God Adventure, journeying with Jesus day by day.

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