Tag: satisfied

BE Lame

There is a false sense of self-protection in harboring an offense. It keeps you from seeing your own character flaws, because the blame is deferred to another. Author~John Bevere Shouldering Unfairness? Did you ever feel like you wanted to quit doing what was right? Nothing is turning out like you planned? Everything is your fault, […]

I Don’t Fit

I’m not there yet, nor have I become perfect; but I am charging on to gain anything and everything the Anointed One, Jesus, has in store for me—and nothing will stand in my way because He has grabbed me and won’t let me go. Philippians 3:12 The Voice I Don’t Fit My Thoughts: Lately, I […]

Fully Bloom

Genesis provides an image of the ideal marriage: One man. One woman. In a one-flesh relationship. For life. These four elements constitute the ideal, as Jesus reminds His followers. Anything less, anything more, or anything other misses the ideal. In marriage two individuals, who once lived as “me,” come together as “we” in one flesh […]

God’s Promises

Fulfill your promise to your servant, so that you may be feared. Take away the disgrace I dread, for your laws are good. How I long for your precepts! Preserve my life in your righteousness. May your unfailing love come to me, O Lord, your salvation according to your promise; then I will answer the […]