Sunday Glean 6-5-16

God Is Speaking~We Are Gathering Food For Our Souls

We hear many messages during the week, God is always speaking to us. God is speaking all the time, in fact we can have an abundance of soul food nourishing us daily if we listen up. The time God knows we will be listening to Him is our weekly church service. The messages from God at our churches are always so amazing. We glean every weekend in our churches. We gather food for our soul. I gleaned a lot this weekend. God loves to lavish us abundantly with everything we need to be strong, energetic and faith filled in our spirit and soul.

Sunday, June 5th, 2016 I Gleaned From A Message

By Pastor Stacey Harris At Trinity Of Fairview Church

So be careful how you live; be mindful of your steps. Don’t run around like idiots as the rest of the world does. Instead, walk as the wise! Make the most of every living and breathing moment because these are evil times. So understand and be confident in God’s will, and don’t live thoughtlessly. Ephesians 5:15-17 The Voice


Time Is God Given~Broker It With Diligence

“Time! Broker your time with diligence. Time is a great God given commodity”, said Pastor Stacey as He began His message this past Sunday. I rolled that over in my mind a few times since then and realized that diligence is a basic fundamental to getting the quality out of my time usage. Diligence. Kicking that word around a bit more, I am learning that it definitely is not impulsive, careless, or sloppy, it is more like a careful and precise action. Am I diligent in my use of time? How can I get there? Diligence is definitely a “glean” from this message, something I need to develop so my time usage is less finite and more infinite in value.

A Heart Spotlight Question

Pastor Stacey made a really good point about us being here on this earth because of the manifold grace of God. That is why we need to make sure we are redeeming our time. The spotlighted question was: “Why is this so important to us? Redeeming our time?” I loved the next point that Pastor Stacey made it was definitely pointed at all of us. Just a side thought here a little bunny trail to a scripture where it’s truth really will “pop out” here. Listen Up:

For the word of God is living and active and full of power [making it operative, energizing, and effective]. It is sharper than any two-edged sword, penetrating as far as the division of the soul and spirit [the completeness of a person], and of both joints and marrow [the deepest parts of our nature], exposing and judging the very thoughts and intentions of the heart. Hebrews 4:12 Amplified Bible


Why Redeeming Our Time Is Important

Okay back to the Sunday glean. You have to admit though, that was a powerful bunny trail. Why is it important for us to redeem our time? Pastor Stacey then let us know a very important truth, one we like to gloss over. Our time is limited. Life is a vapor. Selah, think about it, life is short and it goes by so quickly.

Listen carefully, those of you who make your plans and say, “We are traveling to this city in the next few days. We’ll stay there for one year while our business explodes and revenue is up.” The reality is you have no idea where your life will take you tomorrow. You are like a mist that appears one moment and then vanishes another. It would be best to say, “If it is the Lord’s will and we live long enough, we hope to do this project or pursue that dream.”  But your current speech indicates an arrogance that does not acknowledge the One who controls the universe, and this kind of big talking is the epitome of evil. James 4:13-16 The Voice


Sunday Glean~Time Value

I did glean a very important precept from this message. I need to realize the value of time and I need to redeem every bit of Kingdom value out of the time I am given. Time is so precious and I don’t need to squander it, I don’t want to waste it.

Live Precisely, Perceptively, Purposefully

Pastor Stacey put the lights on for our soul as he fed us some great soul food, there was plenty to eat and plenty to glean as he taught us the way we won’t waste our time is to live precisely, perceptively and purposefully.

I Gleaned These Specific Truths From Pastor Stacey’s Message:

  • The world has never acted like the Kingdom of God, we must live perceptively.
  • Everything in this world stands against us living as people of God’s Grace.
  • The only way we can live gracefully in this world is in Christ Jesus.
  • We were not created for here, we were created for the Kingdom of God.

Fully Face These God Challenges

Pastor Stacey challenged us to fully face some enlightening truths about living purposefully. I especially loved the one he said about living outside of God’s will is an absolute waste of time. True that! Been there and wasted some time. Pastor Stacey stretched our comfort zone even father by asking us to look at our own agenda and see how much time it does waste. More of You, Lord and less of us. Pretty much this was the challenge I heard from Pastor Stacey as He challenged us to talk to God and ask God these questions:

God, What Is Your Will In This Moment For Me?

God What Would You Have Me To Do For You Today?

It Is NOT About Me~NOT About What I Want

I gleaned a really important truth from this message from Pastor Stacey out of Ephesians 5:15-17. I need to stay away from my plan, this time I have been given, it is not all about me and what I want. When I don’t live for God, when I don’t live in the flow of His purposes, I miss divine appointments that God has set up for me to point people to Him, to Jesus, the way to His Kingdom and their forever destiny. God has a purposeful plan for me every day and His way is full of opportunities to step into the flow of His purposes in play all around me.

My Expectations Need A Holy Alignment

I gleaned a lot from this message and now I know of one area of my soul that needs a bit of a holy alignment. My expectations are what seem to impulsively push me out of alignment with God’s plans. Things never truly go the way I plan them. Really! You think I would get that by now. God’s will is never thwarted. I can buck my will up against His as much as I want and my expectations can push and push, but God’s will is not going to budge.

We Need Face Time With God~Heart To Heart

What I need is face time with God, heart to Heart and spirit to Spirit. Pastor Stacey made that clear to all of us in his message. He said: “We need face time with God for sanity sake, but also because we should be handing off our faith to our family daily and all those people God divinely interrupts our schedule with.” It was very encouraging to hear Pastor Stacey say to us that most of the ways God uses us with the time He has given us, we probably won’t know about until we are in heaven and that is why we need to let our time be infinite in its multiplication.

I pour my trust into You, Eternal One. I’m glad to say, “You are my God!” I give the moments of my life over to You, Eternal One. Psalm 31: 14-15 The Voice


God Uses His Sunday Glean In Tangible Ways In Us

God used what I gleaned from this message in a tangible way and here are the progression of my thoughts that led me to the decision to let go completely of my expectations that were pushing me towards what I wanted, making this area of my life about me more than it was about God’s Will.

My Thoughts As I Bowed Before God One Night Where These:

  • I just don’t understand Your ways, Lord. But in all honesty, it is okay. I surrender my life to You, because I love you with all my heart.
  • You, Lord, do things Your way, but that doesn’t mean You don’t love me, it means I must decrease, so You can increase in me, purposefully, God intentionally so.
  • My expectations are pretty crushed Lord. Things are not going the way I thought they would. But, You Love me Lord, the way I never imagined I could be loved. I deeply realize, I don’t need my way, I need You.
  • Surrender in that wholly-holy kind of way, is purposefully Your plan for me as You manipulate Your Will into the center of my life, Lord Jesus, when You hold back what I expected. You know what is best.
  • I realize I love You, Lord God more than what I wanted and more than what I expected. I don’t need what I expected. I need YOU. I want a present and future with You, Jesus, more than I want my way, so I lay down my expectations at Your feet, Jesus.
  • I need to come to You, God open-handed, not holding on to my agenda for the use of my time, which truthfully is Your time, not mine. Every breathe is a gift from You.
  • What Lord, do You want for me? It can’t be about me, it must be about You, Your Kingdom.
  • What am I pursuing? What is my motive? These things, You, Lord have shone your light of truth on in my soul today.
  • My life needs to be ALL about You, Lord. From inner to outer, I hope to be all for You.
  • I am living in incredible times. What an honor to serve You, God in times such as these.
  • I need to face time with You, Jesus, and listen up and then live up, pray up and speak up.
  • Almighty God, You are Holy, You are Right, You are Just, You are Love. Am I?
  • What will it take for me to holy aligned my time with the ALL of Who You are and what You are about? I so want to be like You, Jesus. You are a servant, make me one too. I so want to be in followship of Your Holy Spirit.
  • I don’t want to be casual with my time. I don’t want my time to be a shallow use of my plans.
  • I want to be all in with the Father God, like Jesus was-is. Jesus came to us. He gave His life for us, this humble, meek, incredibly powerful King of Heaven. How can I not reciprocate with my God given time, with my life?

Corporate Body Of Christ, Bride Of Christ…

My final thoughts moved more into a corporate body of Christ vain. From everything I gleaned from this message I heard God speak clearer than ever to us, His Church and these were my thoughts: Sleeping Bride of Christ, it is time to arise. Wake up. We need to get clothed in Christ and be ready for our wedding day. Our wedding garments needs to be spotless, pure and have no wrinkles. Seriously, like no other, this is NOT a season to waste time on what we want. We, Bride of Christ, need to step out unencumbered by selfishness and self-driven motives. It is time to give 100% to Jesus, our Bridegroom. Church of Jesus, we were not created to be soul-tied to the time of this earth. Cut the ties and give the time God has given us, back to Him, with no ties to this world, but deeply rooted in His Kingdom. We, Bride of Christ, were created with the Kingdom of God written on our hearts. I hope we step out in a time such as this, as wholly-holy Jesus’ promised Bride. God gives/gave 100% of His life to us always. It is time to make our relationship with God 100% for Him and His Kingdom. A 100% Give-Live For God. God-Us 100% because there is no more powerful way to redeem our time here on this earth.

You never know what meal topic you might find on this Smorgasbord Table in The Bridegroom’s Café. Jesus likes to talk and teach about so many things and it is great to sit and listen to Him. In fact your life can be an adventure that leads you to many different journeys in your constant conversation with God. Enjoy this meal on “Sunday Glean”. Please also share this post with all of your social media by using the buttons below and leave a comment, it is always good to add your experiences and wisdom to bless and encourage others. God bless you MUCH! KimberlyMac

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