
Our Sinnership Is That Emptiness Into Which The Lord Pours His Mercy.
Author: Charles Spurgeon

Leaning Into Life Or Death?

Yes, God loves us and He forgives our sin, our disobedience. No matter what we have done, His Grace covers us. God’s mercy is so amazing, yet it doesn’t always change the consequences of the sin, the consequences that are experienced by us and everyone in our lives. We don’t sin alone and because of the world we live in, our sin subjects us to consequences. Grace does not free us from the consequences of sin. We have a free will to choose to obey or disobey God and every choice we make has an impact on us and others in our lives and this impact is either good or bad, and it will lean us into life or death.

Philippians 1:20-24 I don’t expect that dishonor and shame will plague me in any way, but I do hope that I will continue to be able to speak freely and courageously about Jesus, and that now and forever the Anointed One will be glorified and placed above all else through this body of mine—whether I live or die. For my life is about the Anointed and Him alone. And my death, when that comes, will mean great gain for me. So, if it’s His will that I go on serving here, my work will be fruitful for the message. I honestly wouldn’t know how or what to choose; I would be hard-pressed to decide. I lean toward leaving this world to be with the Anointed One because I can only think that would be much better. To stay in this body of flesh—even with all its pains and weaknesses—would best serve your needs. The Voice

Taking The Temporary Path Of Pleasure?

It is NOT about what the world thinks is right, it is about what God knows is right. We don’t live for this world’s acclamation, we live for Christ and He is the only bridge we can walk on that makes a way to our eternity. He is the only way, truth and life giver. You can make your own happiness, write your own way of pleasure on this earth, rationalize your choices, but in the end, everyone dies and that is where the cultural support stops. The cultural say so will not be with us as we stand before God. We, by ourselves will fully face God, our true judge and by His holy-wholly truth we will either enter into eternity with Him or be banished from His Presence forever.

Psalm 73:26 My health may fail, and my spirit may grow weak, but God remains the strength of my heart; He is mine forever.

Taking The Path Of Grace That Leads To Truth?

God’s grace is meant to pave a way to God’s truth, it is not meant to keep us in habitual sin, because the consequence of our sin is eternal death, a forever separation from God. God’s grace cannot change the consequence of our choice to remain in sin, to chose a life of sin over a life in Jesus Christ. God’s grace is not a sin cover, it is a refuge so we can be healed, reconciled, renewed and restored back to God’s way, truth and life. God forgives us by His Grace, but it doesn’t end there, it leads to repentance and change. God’s Mercy is still extended to us and once we are in its grip, it is God’s intention to lead us to a vital-vertical relationship with Jesus, where He becomes our life, way, strength and our ability to say no to sin and yes to everlasting life.

Though a man calls himself happy all through his life—and the world loudly applauds success— yet in the end he dies like everyone else and enters eternal darkness. Psalm 49:16-20

Are You Stuck In A Sinnership Rut?

Just a thought! I hear people often say that sin is sin and it doesn’t matter how big, small or the type, that it is just sin and God does not separate sin into categories of degrees. I guess I agree with that. But then again, I think that what makes sin different is its consequences. Yet, the one thing about sin that remains exactly the same every time, is when we choose to disobey God, no matter the type of sin, is that sin always leads to a separation from God’s fellowship and eventually spiritual death, a total separation from God. Also, the sad fact that you never sin alone, your choice to sin eventually hurts everyone around you. Sinnership isn’t a pattern of life we want to get stuck in. We want to cling to God, dig our life roots deeply in His Kingdom truth and be transformed, so we make the right choice the first time from every moment to every choice. This is only possible when we live our lives wholly-holy aligned to the power, presence and personality of Jesus Christ. We need a personal relationship with God where He is at the center of our all and everything and then we can shake off the sinnership!

Give up the struggle and the fight; relax in the omnipotence of the Lord Jesus; look up into His lovely face and as you behold Him, He will transform you into His likeness. You do the beholding–He does the transforming. There is no short-cut to holiness. Author: Alan Redpath

Thoughts come and go, but when the Holy Spirit speaks, they are highlighted by our human senses and they are the beginning of a transformation of our soul, that paints a God characteristic on our spirit that remains forever. Pay attention to the bites of God Thoughts that come in your Miraculous Musings with God, they are simply-significantly purposeful. I hope you are forever changed by this little bite of God revelation that is now more than Just A Thought to your heart by the power of the Holy Spirit. Check out more of The Bridegroom’s Cafe and be blessed by AWE-GOD….MUCH! KimberlyMac

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