Silently So

“Darkness slithers in completely smothering the light. The SON silently rises and simply significantly shatters the darkness with a miraculous God glory glow that dawns His new day.” Author~ Kimberlymac

So they marched Jesus away to the High Priest in whose presence all the chief priests and elders and scribes had assembled. (Peter followed him at a safe distance, right up to the High Priest’s courtyard. There he sat in the firelight with the servants, keeping himself warm.) Meanwhile, the chief priests and the whole council were trying to find some evidence against Jesus which would warrant the death penalty. But they failed completely. There were plenty of people ready to give false testimony against him, but their evidence was contradictory. Then some more perjurers stood up and said, “We heard him say, ‘I will destroy this Temple that was built by human hands and in three days I will build another made without human aid.'” But even so their evidence conflicted. So the High Priest himself got up and took the center of the floor. “Have you no answer to make?” he asked Jesus. “What about all this evidence against you?” But Jesus remained silent and offered no reply. Mark 14: 53-65


BUT, Jesus Remained Silent And Offered No Reply

BUT, Jesus Remained Silent And Offered No Reply…

Darkness May Overtake Us For A Little While, But God Always Brilliantly Breaks Through. GOD shows us this faithfulness every day. He silently and powerfully begins everyday with His glory glow. The sun rises and it shatters the dark deception that God is not in control, as the truth of His creation maintenance faithfully breaks through the darkness with that every day, life sustainable SONshine. GOD IS in control. Darkness may spread deceit in the moment and darken the lives of all around, but the truth of God will prevail, it will silently, simply significantly shine through in that way that nothing and no one can manipulate or stop. God’s glory will glow and it will purposefully rise and crush the darkness in that way that His Sovereignty can only be.

BUT, Jesus Remained Silent And Offered No Reply…

Deception Fades When Confronted By Silence. The power of deception fades away when it does not have a place to vent. I could never figure out why Jesus did not stick up for Himself, He was silent before His accusers. He stood on the side of truth and He silently endured the false accusations, the blame and the vindictiveness because He knew that truth would stand the test of deception as it came into the light of truth. He did not need to prove Himself, truth had its own powerful way of shining through the darkness.

BUT, Jesus Remained Silent And Offered No Reply…

Silence Breaks The Strong Will Of Chaotic Deceit. Sometimes trying to prove that you are right, just makes things so much more wrong and worse. Why is that? Because deception’s power is in the venting of it. Deceit needs agreement in order to thrive. The person who is deceived, needs to vent in order to justify their deception, they need someone to blame in order to rationalize their wrong doings. Justifying wrong doings depends on venting, silence breaks the will of chaos and creates its own Sovereign order. Deception thrives in the doing, in the venting, but Jesus is always being, deception can’t endure the power of God’s being. God’s truth is always being, while deception fades away. Deception causes huge chaos, but God is up for the challenge. His truth will rise above it all and powerfully take a stand that can’t be ignored. No doubt about it. Truth perseveres.

BUT, Jesus Remained Silent And Offered No Reply…

Truth Powerfully Rises Up When Silence Counteracts Deceit. When a deceptive person does not have anyone to vent too, then they have to live with themselves and the truth rises up and they have to face it. Truth can stand silently and still win the day. Nothing extinguishes truth, it is powerful in the silence as much as it is in the speaking of it. Truth still works in the silence. Silence powerfully roars and this is a kingdom paradox in that miraculous kind of kingdom way. Truth is powerful and it won’t stay hidden, it will come out to the light of every deceit darkened circumstance. Silently submit to God and give Him time to work light into darkness. Wait on Him silently and listen for that still small voice of His. He will whisper in the darkness a brilliant wisdom that only He could shine forth in that especially enlightening way of His.

BUT, Jesus Remained Silent And Offered No Reply…

Yes, Silence Can Powerfully Usher In God’s Truth. There Is A Purposeful Reason When God Brings You To A Silent Season. A person who is looking to vent, they know the truth, they know what they have done wrong and they don’t want to live with that. Venting takes the focus off of them and projects their wrong on you. But more importantly than anything, God knows the truth and they know that too. They need someone to blame to take the focus off the truth of their personal wrong doings. They don’t want to face their own truth, so they distort the truth and vent it, because this helps them create a deceptive alternate reality that they can live with. They can’t live with the truth. Letting them vent twisted, crooked, rationalized reality, is enabling them to create a false reality. They don’t want to face the real truth, they want to live deceptively on the wrong side of truth. When you let a self-deceived person constantly vent all their distortion of truth, it stabilizes the false front creating a stumbling block that keeps them from truth. Stop listening to their venting, silence is a good therapy and ushers in the truth in their lives.

BUT, Jesus Remained Silent And Offered No Reply…

Silence Is Such A Kingdom Paradox. Be Quiet And Get A Kingdom Perspective. Venting is just another distorted way of projecting deception on others, twisting the truth, spinning it, so the deceiver, who is standing on the wrong side of truth, doesn’t have to face the reality of truth. When there is no one to vent too, the reality, the truth stares them in the face and they can’t escape it. Venting keeps a deceived person on the wrong side of truth and keeps them blaming others and they continue to be lame and get lamer as they vent and vent and vent. Sometimes the best thing you can do for someone who is on the wrong side of truth is silence. Isn’t that a paradox? Kingdom ways usually are!

BUT, Jesus Remained Silent And Offered No Reply…

Silence Packs A Powerful Punch To Deception. When people are in bondage to a false reality, the truth will set them free and sometimes it doesn’t even have to be spoken, just lived. God’s truth can work through silence in a powerful way. When there is no vent for deception to play out, truth purposefully steps into play and shatters the false realities of darkness, then light overtakes the deceptions exposing them and truth remains glowing the glory of God. Jesus was silent before His accusers. The venting stopped, the deception foolishly fell and truth stood, truth won and the death of deception was defeated.

BUT, Jesus Remained PURPOSEFULLY Silent

And Offered No Reply, He Had Our Best In Mind.

Silently, Simply-Significantly, Purposefully, And Powerfully So…

Jesus, God’s Anointed, the Liberating King, has come not as a conquering king but as a sacrificial lamb who will die without defending Himself. He is accused of setting Himself in the place of God, but He is innocent of that accusation because He is God. He does not defend Himself because His death protects from punishment the sinners who have made themselves like God ever since Adam ate the fruit in the garden. The Voice Commentary


BUT, Jesus Remained Silent And Offered No Reply…

False Accusations Do Not Hold God’s Truth Back.

Deception Was Defeated On The Cross Of Jesus Christ.

When Deception Trashes Your Relationships,

Look To Jesus, He Makes All Things New.

This IS The Day God Created For Us. In this day there is the power of Jesus’ resurrection to reconcile, restore and revive. In Christ, nothing can hold you back, because Jesus won your victory on the cross. Jesus rose from hell with our victory, our eternity in the grasp of His Mighty right hand. Stop trying to fix things by talking up a storm. Let go of your preconceived fixes and just love God today. Love God even though you don’t have an answer. Love God even though you are still hurting. Just love God unconditionally. He has already preformed the greatest act of love ever known to mankind, a love that brought about an eternal reconciliation. He is a Master Reconciler working in the unseen for you, love Him wholly-holy in return and look to Him, He is the brilliant solution to the darkness of deception that blankets your relationships. Glow God’s Glory. God bless you MUCH. KimberlyMac

Thoughts come and go, but when the Holy Spirit speaks, they are highlighted by our human senses and they are the beginning of a transformation of our soul, that paints a God characteristic on our spirit that remains forever. Pay attention to the bites of God Thoughts that come in your Miraculous Musings with God, they are simply-significantly purposeful. I hope you are forever changed by this little bite of God revelation that is now more than Just A Thought to your heart by the power of the Holy Spirit. Check out more of The Bridegroom’s Cafe and be blessed by AWE-GOD….MUCH! KimberlyMac

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