Reveal Truth

Reveal Truth: “And through his shrewdness He will cause deceit to succeed by his hand (influence); He will magnify himself in his mind, He will corrupt and destroy many who enjoy a false sense of security. He will also stand up and oppose the Prince of princes, But he will be broken, and that by no human hand [but by the hand of God]. Daniel 8:25 Amplified Bible

Reveal Truth: Evil To The Extreme

A lot of things happening in our country, some are great and some are very ugly, and some of them to the evil extreme. Why are people so angry? What is stirring up this violent resistance? What has seeded this anger that now explodes in the heart of our cities through groups that are demonstrating so much hatred through violence? These hate-filled people are resisting authority, damaging property, hurting people, and killing people. Violent hatred is not a 1st Amendment right and should not be treated as such. If hate filled groups like White Supremacy want to rally, they should not be given permission to do so in our cities, they should never be issued a permit for violence.

Reveal Truth: Common Denominator

Violent hate groups all have one thing in common, their minds are messed up with bad thinking and at the root of their mental dysfunction, is false narrative. The common denominator of their twisted violence is the father of lies. False narrative leads to a fake reality, creating a cause that has no common sense to it, just impulsive violence without any reason. Anyone who must destroy property, hurt people, or kill people is involved with a cause with a messed-up philosophy that can’t support itself without violence. Truth stands the tests of time. So, if you need violence and anger, and resistance to authority to prop up your cause, at the heart of this is a false narrative. It is unequivocally wrong.

Reveal Truth:  The thief’s purpose is to steal and kill and destroy. My purpose is to give them a rich and satisfying life. John 10:10 New Living Translation

Reveal Truth: Thwart False Narrative

The false narrative of our time, the irresponsible speculation, assumption, presumption, presupposition spoken, over and over again in our main stream media is creating a fake reality and influencing and eventually corrupting the minds of all of us who continue listening up to it. Journalism is no longer pure in its desire to seek truth, it is corrupted by the sickness of sullied politics. A political idolatry has evolved over the years, we all are bowing to it. In some way we have all been irresponsible with the speaking out of speculation and assumption as if it were truth. We think we know, so we speak as if we do know. The False narrative which has steadily increased over many years now, is at a mediatic frenzy stage. Believe me, don’t underestimate the evil behind it. Our country is being divided and destroyed by false narrative, driven by even a greater enemy than we can even begin to imagine. This enemy wants to steal, kill and destroy all of us and our future hope.

Reveal Truth: For I do not understand my own actions [I am baffled and bewildered by them]. I do not practice what I want to do, but I am doing the very thing I hate [and yielding to my human nature, my worldliness—my sinful capacity]. Romans 7:15 Amplified Bible

Don’t Underestimate False Narrative

This is what false narrative has the power to do. It takes people farther than they ever thought they would go. This was a tweet yesterday, a perfect example for times such as these:

Tweet By Lori (twitter account now cancelled) Yesterday she tweeted this: “Donald Trump must be killed soon, this is what he inspires in people. This is NOT who we are people. For the love of all that is good.”

This is where false narrative has taken this young woman. From false narrative to speculation to a fake reality, it has led her to the place of calling out for the President to be killed and believing that murdering the President of the United States is a good solution for a fake reality, she truly believes. For the love of all that is good. What is good? What is evil? The two have been flip-flopped because of influence of continued false narrative. This is the perfect example of where false narrative dead ends.

Reveal Truth: He asks: “How long will you judge dishonestly and be partial to the wicked?” “Stand up for the poor and the orphan; advocate for the rights of the afflicted and those in need. Deliver the poor and the needy; rescue them from their evil oppressors.” These bullies are ignorant; they have no understanding of My ways. So as they walk in darkness, the foundations of the earth tremble. Psalm 82:1-5 The Voice

Root Of Hatred ~ False Narrative

What is the root of this foolish tweet? This evil is deception from the enemy of our soul, that we have been soul saturated with by our main stream media. There has been unprecedented speculation, assumption, presumption, and rationalization all about our President, Donald Trump. Turn on CBS, CNN, NBC, MSNBC, just to mention a few and listen. How much speculation, assumption and rationalization did you hear? How much disrespect did you hear? Did you hear speculation and assumption all negative towards our President? Is there angry, bitter television hosts spewing hatred and completely disrespecting the authority and office of The President of the United States? I can’t even listen to them anymore. I shut them off. It is so sad what has happened to some of these networks following after hatred and spewing out false narrative. Have they judged our President guilty on so many levels, without any evidence, no fullness of proof or truth? Russia coverage, it has been an over saturated, 11 months of condemning our President, with absolutely no evidence. None. What happened to innocence before proven guilty. This is what they call journalism. This is what I call irresponsible, reactive anger over a stunning loss and the bitterness that ensued, anger which has turned to unprecedented hatred toward our President, and is negatively impacting our society, as we see the proof of this by the tweet above and by those who call themselves journalists taking leaked private conversations and printing them even if they do damage our national security.

Not Being Bullied By False Narrative

I don’t know how the President has been able to get anything done in the midst of such a barrage of main stream media hatred. He has fired back. He has fought back and they don’t like that either. They are used to all their false narrative going unchallenged. This has caused a mediatic frenzy which has been a highly effective strategy of our real enemy. Our President has truthfully and courageously called out the “Main Stream Media” for what they have become. Don’t underestimate the power behind anger and hatred, it swallows up all that is good. It has destroyed the veracity and value of journalism of our time. Is real journalism dead? Can it be revived?

For our struggle is not against flesh and blood [contending only with physical opponents], but against the rulers, against the powers, against the world forces of this [present] darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly (supernatural) places. Ephesians 6:12 Amplified Bible

God The Prayers ~ God Divinely Intervened

Then we have the power of “party politics” that is being challenged by a new comer to the White House. He was sent there by “we the people” to clean up things because we all have been suffering under the corruption of party politics chosen over the good of the people. Donald Trump, an American business man came to Washington to instill common sense back to government, common sense that has been choked to death by political red tape and party politics. We have been asked to accept what doesn’t work and roll with it. No. We said enough and we voted for someone who was interested in changing it up for us, more than their political party allegiance. None of the political parties seem to be working anymore, and I am thinking this is a God thing as was the election of Donald Trump to the Presidency. There is some humbling going on and it is coming from above.

Reveal Truth: Take note, there are six things the Eternal hates;  no, make it seven He abhors: Eyes that look down on others, a tongue that can’t be trusted,  hands that shed innocent blood, A heart that conceives evil plans, feet that sprint toward evil, a false witness who breathes out lies,  and anyone who stirs up trouble among the faithful. Proverbs 6:16-19 The Voice

Shock And Awe

Yes some politicians were shocked and very bitter about the election results and anger has ensued against the newly elected President. How far has this anger gone? Have they set out to destroy this President because of anger and hatred? Don’t underestimate the evil behind anger and hatred, it blinds you to the reality of truth and uses you foolishly beyond what you would ever have imagined. The influence behind hatred, the evil that presses it forward, it controls you and hindsight will be the horror of your realization of this. God divinely interrupted the goings on in the swamp and they are in shock. I am in awe of God.

False Narrative Destroys All

This President, was miraculously and purposefully put in place by God for a time such as this, and has endured more false persecution and lack of respect than any other President in the history of time. The Senate is more corrupted in this season of time than we could ever imagine possible and God is revealing this truth. God is working in the unseen purposefully through all of this. We pray for a revival in the Senate, in the leadership of our generation. The false narrative that some Senators have purposefully put in play is destroying our national civility. It is all about them obstructing, all about getting what they wanted. The people voted for Donald Trump, they want to destroy our vote, they want what they wanted, not what we voted. Hatred, don’t underestimate the power of evil behind it. It will use you up, hurt others beyond what you could have ever imagined.

Reveal Truth: What sorrow awaits you who lie awake at night, thinking up evil plans. You rise at dawn and hurry to carry them out, simply because you have the power to do so. When you want a piece of land, you find a way to seize it. When you want someone’s house,  you take it by fraud and violence. You cheat a man of his property, stealing his family’s inheritance. But this is what the Lord says: “I will reward your evil with evil; you won’t be able to pull your neck out of the noose. You will no longer walk around proudly, for it will be a terrible time.” Micah 2:1-3 New Living Translation

Perfect Politicians No More

There has been one attack after the other on this President from his so-called colleagues. He was not voted in to be the perfect political President. He was voted in because the American people were tired of “perfect politicians” on the outside with wicked intentions on the inside. We wanted someone who would be true to the American people, we were being hurt year after year by politics over people. Politicians getting rich off of political dealings that threw “we the people” under the bus. Political red tape, that was regulating our breath and choking the life out of our small businesses and personal finances. God is bringing all the corruption to the light, revealing all the hidden secrets, cleaning up the Washington Swamp. This is not the President’s doing, it is God. Who are you fighting against? What if it turns out to be not the President, but the ONE Who is over all authority and power. God is the One cleaning things up. He is the One who is saying, enough! No one can bring hidden things to light, like that of our God. So we pray it up and we watch and see Him work all of this out. We ask Him to reveal truth and thwart false narrative and He is answering in surprising and unimaginable ways as He unsecrets hidden deceptions.

God Chooses The Most Unlikely

As usual, God has chosen the most unlikely to carry out His purposes, therefore God gets all the glory. Donald Trump was a very unlikely candidate, who overcame all the odds, the trickery, the political foolishness, the cheating, the lying, his past and even his own bold, strong characteristics that are unlike normal polished politicians. This successful American businessman, an unlikely candidate for President, rose in God favor and then when even every poll was against him on election day eve, He won the election. Do you not see the hand of God in this? No one else could have made a way to put Donald Trump in the White House than God. He purposefully did it. God has a plan to reveal truth, to destroy the power of false narrative and to bring this country wholly-holy back to Him. It is His plan and who knows the direction of it. We sure have seen some very unlikely things in the last six months. Hatred has an evil influence behind it, don’t underestimate it, you will be used in ways you never thought you would when you follow false narrative. We have seen this in the crude, hateful, violent things perpetrated against this President. Unbelievable things said and done from people who know no power higher than themselves and their agenda.

Reveal Truth: You are just like your true father, the devil; and you spend your time pursuing the things your father loves. He started out as a killer, and he cannot tolerate truth because he is void of anything true. At the core of his character, he is a liar; everything he speaks originates in these lies because he is the father of lies. The Voice John 8:44

What We Do For Hatred

Hatred! You will lie for it, destroy for it and kill for it. Why? You have underestimated the evil behind it. It controls you. Senator Maxine Waters is just one example of this. The false narrative coming from her has escalated to a foolishness that is destroying her ability to lead. She leads out of hatred. Hatred, has an evil power behind it, you don’t want to underestimate. It will ruin you and others. Shake it off, don’t be used by evil to irresponsibly damage the reputation of others without a shred of evidence against them. This is an example of the irresponsible tweets of a Senator of the United States, her response to a horrific situation has nothing to do with the situation. It lacks complete common sense for a leader of this country. It is hate driven instead of responsible wisdom spoken. As each tweet progresses, it gets worse from speculation, to assumption to deceptive character defamation and outright lies to which there is video that proves the opposite is true.

Reveal Truth: My enemies have set a trap for me. I am weary from distress. They have dug a deep pit in my path, but they themselves have fallen into it. Psalm 57:6 New Living Translation

Maxine Waters is a United States Senator spreading hatred and influencing people with a false narrative that leads to a fake reality, which people act out their anger with. It is so wrong on so many levels, yet her leadership goes unconfronted by her party and she is exactly part of the reason why President Trump was elected. This is the pit of lies she dug for President Trump:

1) “Trump refuses to condemn white supremacists & terrorists who showed up in Charlottesville. Is he sending a signal? Everyone must be careful.” Maxine Waters

My Response: The only thing we need be careful about is hatred, because it has ruined you, what an example of the evil of #falsenarrative

2) “Trump defined himself during campaign. He encouraged violence against protesters at rallies. We should not be surprised. #Charlottesviille”

My Response: You defined him. He has never been what you #lie about. We are sick of you stirring up our country with your #falsenarrative #Lies

3) “Trump has made it clear – w/ Bannon & Gorka in the WH, & the Klan in the streets, it is now the White Supremacists’ House. #Charlottesviille” Maxine Waters

My Response: And you and the Senate are sick with hatred that blinds you to #truth and continues spewing out #falsenarrative that is destroying the USA

4) Trump claimed he didn’t know D. Duke, but Duke said white supremacist rally was done to fulfill Trump’s promises. Do you know him now,Trump? Maxine Waters

My Response: You believe the words of D.Duke? That is how much your hatred has blinded you. Actual video of President Trump denouncing him proves you lie.

This Reveals Truth And Causes Maxine Waters To Fall Into The Pit She Dug:

Reveal Truth:

Maxine Waters has foolishly called for the impeachment of the President. Why? Who knows. There is absolutely no evidence, there is only her bitter disappointment that turned to anger, and now to a very irrational hatred. She is destroying her leadership and adding to the destruction of her political party. Hatred is not a very reliable platform, it will not stand, it will crash and burn taking you with it.

Reveal Truth: You who love the Lord, hate evil! He protects the lives of his godly people  and rescues them from the power of the wicked. Light shines on the godly, and joy on those whose hearts are right. Psalm 97:10-11 New Living Translation

Reveal Truth ~ Thwart False Narrative

There is not anything this President can do or say that is right? Why? Not because of political correctness but because of hatred. Hatred blinds people to the reality of truth. You cannot hate and stand on the side of truth, you must always choose the opposite way.

Take for example the “racist accusation” or that that our President is for “White Supremacy”. This false narrative has been spread throughout our nation by those in our Senate and the Main Stream Media. Yet, the President’s behavior and action show the opposite of the false narrative, they show the truth. He is not a racist. He is not a friend of White Supremacy. Yet this false narrative is spread and it influences the way people think, and after a while it creates a fake reality that they follow and take action from. After the horrific weekend in Charlottesville VA with the White Supremacist rally, which was a total underestimation of evil by the authorities there who issued the permit for this rally, the news media and some senators are turning the narrative against the President. Truly the root of evil unrest in this country is this kind of false narrative corrupting people’s viewpoint and adding to the incivility.

Confronting Evil With Truth

Have you ever thought this: “I can’t believe I was capable of doing that, I can’t believe I went that far” Don’t underestimate the evil power behind hatred. That is why the President’s comments were so spot on after Charlottesville erupted in racial hatred. Reveal Truth:

“We must remember this truth: No matter our color, creed, religion or political party, we are ALL AMERICANS FIRST. We ALL must be united & condemn all that hate stands for. There is no place for this kind of violence in America. Lets come together as one! What is vital now is a swift restoration of law and order and the protection of innocent lives. We will continue to follow developments in Charlottesville, and will provide whatever assistance is needed. We are ready, willing and able. Deepest condolences to the families & fellow officers of the VA State Police who died today. You’re all among the best this nation produces. Condolences to the family of the young woman killed today, and best regards to all of those injured, in Charlottesville, Virginia. So sad! President Donald Trump #Charlottesville

False Narrative Snowballs Into Fake Reality

Yet the Main Stream Media once again crucifies this President, turning the narrative in the false way that he did not mention the name of “White Supremacy” so therefore he is for White Supremacy and for those whose champion it. Such a broad jump, such foolishness. This false narrative that was started in his campaign by the media when a member of White Supremacy spoke out that they were voting for him, the same narrative of the KKK that spoke out that they were voting for Hilary. She wasn’t named a racist, he was. Once again, the Main Stream Media begins a false narrative out of their hatred and Washington leadership who are infected by hatred, turn the narrative back to speculative, assumptive statements giving precedence to this false narrative, instead of the very good narrative of our President in regards to the Charlottesville tragedy. People believe a false narrative and then they create a “fake reality” by it. The President’s true character is defamed daily by false narrative. He is nothing like what the press falsely makes his character out to be like. It is a false narrative that has led to a fake reality and has deeply divided this country. They press need to be more responsible.

Fight False Narrative With Truth

Our President has shouldered false narrative against his personality, character and work day after day, constant from the Main Stream Media and some Washington leadership in the Senate and House. I don’t know how anyone can stand up this long under such an attack of hatred. He fights back, I am so grateful for that, he stands up to their lies and He continues to fight for what is right for the American people. The President’s Administration may be our only advocates in Washington right now and I know, without a doubt, millions are praying for them to succeed and the ONE Advocate for truth and justice, Who is a Way-Maker, our God, He will make a way. God will reveal truth through the most unlikely people and thwart the power and motive of false narrative. God will bring our nation back to Him in spirit and truth. I have no doubt about that. The President keeps working for the good of the American people, even though he is under such attack from false narration. This Reveals Truth:

False Narrative Root Of Evil

I am telling you that the root of all this evil is deception from the evil one that we have been soul saturated with by our main stream media with speculation, assumption, presumption all about this President, day with nonstop fake news stories that have no evidence, no fullness of proof or truth. We need to clean up our soul and change it up and we need not to be a part of speculation. Speak only what is true. This is what God has tasked me with and I am in the process of learning it and being His Voice of truth.

The False Narrative Of Politics

The President did react and say the right thing, and handled the horrific news of the violence in Charlottesville Virginia with 142 characters of wisdom and truth, with really perfect advice for our nation, deserved at a time such as this, to be stood with and so did the American people who were already dealing with so much and this just added to the stress. Negatively calling out the President by the Main Stream Media and some Senators was wrong and using false narrative to do so was irresponsibly bad. If this is you maybe it is time to look at your own heart and soul and clean out the false narrative. A President will have many, many groups that invoke his name and use him to advance their agenda. The assumption that this means the President is in need of “redeemed politics” is the proof just how far the false narrative of our time can influence anyone to believe what is wrong about someone else. Unfortunately, there is the blindness that comes when confronted with the truth about their own fake reality, supported by only assumption and speculation, they don’t want to talk about it, they just want to rationalize it away. False Narrative leads you down the same road, time after time and it is always about pointing fingers at someone else.

Reveal Truth: Newt Gingrich Spoke Out:

“Yes, he missed an opportunity and I think he, in the next day or two, will fill that out.

But let me also point out, Trump explicitly repudiated the KKK in the campaign. I mean the elite (ph) media may not want to believe it. Go back and look at the videotape. He explicitly repudiated it. He explicitly repudiated David Duke. It is a falsehood to suggest the conservatism, which believes in liberty, has anything to do with Nazism. First of all, in his inaugural he said, all of us bleed the same blood. He said there’s no grounds for racism. He said it is unpatriotic to be racism. You cannot be a good American and be a racist. That’s the inaugural. And then yesterday — and yesterday he came out and he said he was against all — all of the bigotry. He was against racism.” Newt Gingrich

A Highly Exaggerated Mediatic Firestorm

A missed opportunity? A media firestorm? Why the mediatic frenzy? It has nothing to do with the topic, it has to do only with their hatred for the President. It has blinded them.

There is no possible way these people could be in the “head of the President” or know his motive for why he said what he said at that time. But, they speculated that they do know. He has had the week from “hell” then put on the spot after something else horrific happened. I wonder if any politician or news media could do better in his shoes? Why go to the negative and create a mediatic fire storm? Why not take the statements he did say, which were really good and back them up? Why add more tension to a situation that is already bad by speculation that just makes things worse and takes the narrative away from the horror of White Supremacy and puts it on something that fuels their hatred of the President?

Reveal Truth ~ Thwart False Narrative

“As I said on Saturday, we condemn in the strongest possible terms, this egregious display of hatred, bigotry and violence, it has no place in America. And as I have said many times before, no matter the color of our skin, we all live under the same laws and we all salute the same great flag and we are all made by the same Almighty God. We must love each other, show affection for each other and unite together in condemnation of hatred, bigotry and violence. We must rediscover the bonds of love and loyalty that bring us together as Americans. Racism is evil and those who cause violence in its’ name are criminals and thugs including the KKK, Neo Nazi, White Supremacist, and other hate groups that are repugnant to everything we hold dear as Americans. We are a nation founded on the truth that all of us are created equal, we are equal in the eyes of our Creator, we are equal under the law and we are equal under our constitution.” President Donald Trump

Reveal Truth:

Speculation Is False Narrative

Are you speculating why you think The President should do something your way? Calling the President out, defaming His character and reputation on speculation? Do you feel we should denounce White Supremacy? Of course, we should and so does the President. But go deeper than just the surface and denounce the reason for it. A racist is messed up in the head and it is because of a false narrative that they believed and supported that has turned into a fake reality. Listen to the person being accused, to what they have to say before you speculate about another person’s false narrative and add to the mess. Our President is not a racist and he has accomplished much in these last six months. This is our President, this is his heart and motives that played out in truth over the last six months. Reveal Truth:

Reveal Truth: O how terrible for those who think they’re so wise, who consider themselves so clever. O how terrible for those heroes who can outdrink anyone, those champions who take pride in mixing drinks, those judges who set the guilty free in exchange for “a little something,” all the while denying the innocent what they deserve! Therefore, as fire eats up the stubble and dry grass is engulfed by flames, so it will be for everything they count on for the future—their roots will rot, their flowers will wither and fly away like dust, for they refused to accept the law of the Eternal, the Commander of heavenly armies; They derided and disparaged the word of the Holy One of Israel. Isaiah 5:21-24 The Voice

Result Of False Narrative

Don’t underestimate what the enemy can do, we see the result of his lies. Stay on the path of the fullness of truth in times such as these. Get yourself in the position where you are wholly-holy aligned with God and His truth. Be found in a strong vital-vertical relationship with God. If you are turning the narrative to negative and in the opposite direction of where it should be, ask yourself why. Ask God to clean up your soul from the negative residual influence false narrative has on all of us, in these times. Look at things through a Kingdom Perspective, not a worldly viewpoint.

Influence Behind Hatred

The influence behind hatred, the evil pressing it forward, it controls you and hindsight will be the horror of your realization of this as you look at the destruction it left behind and how far you have gone to express it. Resist evil and do not underestimate the power of false narrative. Hatred has an evil influence behind it, don’t underestimate it, you will be used in angry ways you never thought you would. Hatred rolls in anger and it rolls downhill faster than you can control it. Angry? Hateful? You are not in control. Who is? Is false narrative creating a speculative mind, allowing all kinds of thoughts to crazily drive your actions.

Reveal Truth: A Call to Listen to God~ Work at living in peace with everyone, and work at living a holy life, for those who are not holy will not see the Lord.  Look after each other so that none of you fails to receive the grace of God. Watch out that no poisonous root of bitterness grows up to trouble you, corrupting many. Hebrews 12:14-15 New Living Translation

Break The Bitterness Stronghold

Pray it up. Ask God to help. Our human nature is so naturally vindictive. We want an eye for an eye, we want the person who has hurt us to pay to the highest degree. But God says: Vengeance is mine. We want to make sure the person that hurts us pays the consequences. This is our human nature. We don’t want them to get away with what they have done to us. We talk it up and the more that we do, the more the stronghold of bitterness gets stronger in our mind, effecting our will and muddying up our soul. Bitterness not only effects the person carrying its grudgeful hatred, but it hurts everyone associated with the person. We never sin alone; the consequences of our sin are far reaching. Soul Synchronize Wholly-Holy With God And His Truth. Kick out all speculation, assumption, rationalization, presumption, and presupposition from your thought-life. False narrative, let none of it operate in you or through you. Work hard at this. I sure am. I hope you join me. Let’s thwart the false narrative of our time by confronting it with truth and reveal truth that God is revealing and speaking.

Reveal Truth: The weapons of the war we’re fighting are not of this world but are powered by God and effective at tearing down the strongholds erected against His truth. We are demolishing arguments and ideas, every high-and-mighty philosophy that pits itself against the knowledge of the one true God. We are taking prisoners of every thought, every emotion, and subduing them into obedience to the Anointed One. 2 Corinthians 10:4-5 The Voice

Don’t Settle For Less Than Truth

Pray it up and don’t settle for less than the truth. Thwart false narrative with a heart after God, a heart in search of the purity of righteousness, of truth that stands the test of time. In times such as these, we need to purify our souls and change it up, our life style to truth and only truth. Do not settle with speculation, assumption, presumption or presupposition, all of the like lead to rationalization, false narrative and a fake reality. In Christ, we are better than this. You are not able to be in the head of someone else or think you know their motive. This thinking leads to speculation and false narrative, which leads to a fake reality that we live out of instead of the truth of God. Join me in praying it up for our nation, let it begin with us, changing up our hearts, purifying our thought life and stepping out in the fullness of truth. Resist Evil.

Be A Part Of Advancing God’s Kingdom

Revive us in the Spirit of love and truth. We may never understand God’s ways in how they work out in our “worldly viewpoint” but we can when we see them through His kingdom perspective. Sometimes the things God allows in our lives completely crush our comfort zone, purposefully so. Help us Lord to look through the lens of Your understanding and lean into Your Sovereign Will, help us to be a part of advancing Your Kingdom, which is void of false narrative and full of truth. God is calling us to a time of prayer for ourselves first and then for our nation for God to change it up, reveal truth and revive us. #ReviveUSA #ReviveSenate #ReviveCongress #ReviveMainStreamMedia #PrayItUP #RevealTRUTH

I hope you enjoyed your meal at The Smorgasbord Table. You never know what meal topic you might find on this Smorgasbord Table in The Bridegroom’s Café. Jesus likes to talk and teach about so many things and it is great to sit and listen to Him. In fact your life can be an adventure that leads you to many different journeys in your constant conversation with God. Enjoy this meal on “Reveal Truth”. Please also share this post with all of your social media by using the buttons below and leave a comment, it is always good to add your experiences and wisdom to bless and encourage others. I also highly encourage you to get a copy of my book: The Bridegroom’s Voice. It is a God encouragement that will strengthen your faith, getting you into the Word of God and hearing His Voice daily. I promise you will increase in relationship with God and “flesh out” your soul, giving you a better spiritual ear to hear God clearly. God bless you MUCH! KimberlyMac

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