Worship Spotlight


The Center Of All Our Worship Is Jesus, He Is Center Stage In Our Heart. From the core of our inner being, we Worship An Audience Of One. AWE-GOD!

This page is dedicated to what I call Worship Spotlight.  Each day is a new day to be inspired by God’s Holy Spirit. I will spotlight different songs from different Christian Artists that really fed my soul. Christian music inspires my soul.  Daily song inspirations will encourage your soul as it does mine. Music has always been a huge part of my life. I enjoy all types of music, but Christian music, full of the encouragement, hope, peace, joy, truth and Word of God, this is a soul manna for me, it feeds my spirit, it lifts me like no other music can.

Worship Is

If my soul is in a dark place, or should I say when it gets darkened, because it does, it can’t help being affected by the sadness, hopelessness and darkness of times such as these, Christian music always enlightens it renews it once again. One of my favorite songs that I listen to over and over again is kind of like a white-wash for my soul as it cleanses out the cultural influences, dimming my worldly viewpoint and fully facing me towards God’s Kingdom Perspective. It is called Renew me by Avalon. It never fails to renew me!


Worship Spotlight

Worship Spotlight Is A Post Of One Featured Song And It Digs Deeper In That Song Through Exhortation, Quotes, Scriptures, Bringing A Sweet Taste To Your Soul, It Is Definitely Great Manna To Enjoy For Daily Inspiration From God, In That Way Only He Can Inspire. Try One Now: Anchored   My Heart Is Yours   Stand For You

Now, sing to the Eternal, all the earth! Announce the good news of His salvation each and every day! Enlighten the nations to His splendor; describe His wondrous acts to all people! For the Eternal is great indeed and praiseworthy, feared and reverenced above all gods. For all gods are worthless idols, but the Eternal plotted the vast heavens. Honor and majesty precede Him; strength and beauty infuse His holy sanctuary. Give all credit to the Eternal, families of the world! Credit Him with honor and strength! Credit Him with the glory worthy of His magnificent name; gather your sacrifice, and present it before Him. Bow down to the Eternal, adorned in holiness. Fear Him, all the earth. For the earth is firmly rooted; it cannot move. Heavens, be glad; earth, rejoice. Say to the nations, “The Eternal One reigns.” 1 Chronicles 16:23-31 The Voice

I am so glad you stopped by Worship Manna Spotlight. Make sure you check out all whole of The Bridegroom’s Café. I know you will be blessed. Please leave a comment, especially if you have a song of your own that you would like us to do a worship spotlight post on. God bless you much and as always, please share Manna Munch with all those you know that need to feed their soul and strengthen their spirit. God bless you MUCH, Kimberly Mac