God’s Mercy

Mercy Is Not Something God Has, But Something God Is. Author~A.W. Tozer


No Finite Shut Off Valve

I think we human beings get too presumptuous thinking we can predict when God is coming back. No one knows the time, but God and that has a lot to do with His mercy. God’s mercy is still flowing because it is not about something He does, and it doesn’t have a shut off value that human beings can figure out. God’s mercy is about something He always was, is and will be.

Infinite Mercy Trumps Finite Plans

God’s Mercy is still extended and His mercy will dictate the time of His return and we will never be able to figure it out. We can plan, we can look at the signs of the times, we can do a lot of things but this is all trumped by the truth that God has the final say. He asked us to be about His business, so when He does come back, He finds us faithful and Christ conquerors till the end. We don’t live in followship of human plans or time tables, we live in followship of Jesus Christ, Who was, is and will be. Be found in God, and believe in Him, because in this is the greatest preparation you can make for times such as these.

God’s Mercy Is In Today

Today is the best day of your life because it is where God is, it is where His purposes, mercy, will, peace are in play and it is where He is providing. Stay in today, You and Him creating and acting out a today that tomorrow will be a living legacy that will continue to encourage others and point them to Him. My life is not focused on the when of Jesus’ return. My energies are spent making sure that I bring as many people as I can with me when He does return. Today, introduce someone to God’s Mercy, it is extended today to all.

Point People To God’s Mercy, To Jesus

Being found and working for Jesus is the actions of my life, the pointing of my life to Jesus and His Kingdom, so others can find the way, the truth and the life of His Kingdom. God’s Mercy is still extended to everyone, so take the time that He has given you today and connect people to it. Let them experience God and His great mercy through your life, point them to Him.

Side Dishes To Enhance This Meal On Mercy


Dig Deeper

How then does mercy relate to justice? Mercy and justice are obviously different things, though they are sometimes confused. Mercy occurs when wrongdoers are given less punishment than deserved or greater rewards than they earned. God tempers His justice with mercy. His grace is essentially a kind of mercy. God is gracious to us when He withholds the punishment we deserve and when He rewards our obedience despite the fact that we owe obedience to Him, and so we do not merit any reward. Mercy is always voluntary with God. He is never obligated to be merciful. He reserves the right to exercise His grace according to the good pleasure of His will. Author: R.C. Sproul
True Justice Is Mercy!


Live It Out

“O God, from my youth you have taught me, and I still proclaim your wondrous deeds. So even to old age and gray hairs, O God, do not forsake me, until I proclaim your might to another generation, your power to all those to come.” Psalm 71:17-18


Pray It Up To God

I pray we trust Him in our today. I pray we keep our souls firmly planted in our today and we resist the temptation to figure out tomorrow, to worry about tomorrow because in today, Jesus is our enough, He is right here, right now and He is pouring out His purpose and provision in you and through you for today. Lord Jesus cause us to enjoy every moment of our today and be found wholly-holy surrendered to You, living our lives in Your strength, truth, mercy and peace. AMEN!


Selah, Pause And Think On This

“God’s infinite goodness is taught throughout the entire Bible. Goodness is that in God which desires the happiness of His creatures and that irresistible urge in God to bestow blessedness. The goodness of God takes pleasure in the pleasure of His people.” A.W.Tozer Book The Attributes of God Book 1


Think About It

“There is a lot of careless teaching that implies the Old Testament is a book of severity and law, and the New Testament is a book of tenderness and grace. This popular idea is a great error because the God of the Old Testament and the God of the New is the same God, He did not change. God’s mercy was just as great in the Old Testament as it was and is in the New. Goodness is the source of Mercy.” A.W.Tozer


Water It With The Word

2 Corinthians 1:3 All praise to God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. God is our merciful Father and the source of all comfort. New Living Testament

James 5:11

Look, we bless and honor the memory of those who persevered under hardship. Remember how Job endured and how the Lord orchestrated the triumph of his final circumstances as a grand display of His mercy and compassion.

2 Peter 3:9

Now the Lord is not slow about enacting His promise—slow is how some people want to characterize it—no, He is not slow but patient and merciful to you, not wanting anyone to be destroyed, but wanting everyone to turn away from following his own path and to turn toward God’s. The Voice

The Voice Commentary 2 Peter 3:9 Scoffers use the delay in His second coming to question if He is going to return at all. Peter responds by saying that God’s perspective on time is not like ours. What seems long from a finite, human perspective is incredibly short from an eternal one. Peter also describes how God is not slow, but patient. God wants to allow the time needed for as many sinners as possible to turn from their sinful ways. Unlike some depictions of God as vindictive and enjoying inflicting punishment on people, the God we see here desires that all be saved and not destroyed. If we had true spiritual insight, we would not be amazed by the severity of eternal judgment but by the intensity of God’s mercy. The Voice

Exodus 34:4-7 So Moses cut two stone tablets that were exactly like the first set. He woke up early the next morning and climbed up Mount Sinai carrying the two stone tablets, just as the Eternal One had instructed him to do. The Eternal One descended in the cloud and stood with Moses as He proclaimed His name, the Eternal One. Then the Eternal One passed before him. Eternal One: The Eternal God, full of compassion and mercy, slow to anger, and abundant in loyal love and truth, who maintains loyal love to thousands of people, who forgives wrongdoing, rebellion, and sin; yet does not allow sin to go unpunished, extending the consequences of a father’s sin to his children, his grandchildren, and even to the third and fourth generations. The Voice

Isaiah 63:7-9 Praise for Deliverance I will tell of the Lord’s unfailing love. I will praise the Lord for all he has done. I will rejoice in his great goodness to Israel, which he has granted according to his mercy and love. He said, “They are my very own people. Surely they will not betray me again.” And he became their Savior. In all their suffering he also suffered, and he personally rescued them. In his love and mercy he redeemed them. He lifted them up and carried them through all the years. New Living Translation

I hope you enjoyed this “Manna Munch”. This is one of my favorite tables in The Bridegrooms Cafe because it begins with a bite of God’s Word and as we digest it, the Holy Spirit makes it come alive with a personal flavor, an application just for us, so we can grow stronger in our walk with God. Please take a moment to share this particular Manna and its flavor boost with someone one else by using the social media buttons below. I also would love it if you would share how this munch of manna has enriched your soul. The encouragement would not only bless me, but bless others, so do leave a comment. Thanks! God bless you, MUCH. KimberlyMac

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