
John 6:29 Jesus told them, “This is the only work God wants from you: Believe in the one He has sent.” NLT

Fully Face God

Belief is what God asks of us, desires of us. Belief in Jesus Christ and the power He has to change things up, beginning with our hearts. God wants a personal vital-vertical relationship with us where our faith and belief in Him and His Kingdom is nourished and grown. This is why we should not be aligned with this world in any way. We should fully face God, we should be constantly adjusting our holy alignment with God through our vital-vertical relationship with Him. The influence of our culture is blasting on high all day long and God is asking us not to react to this mediatic frenzy, He is asking us to respond to Him first.

Heart Of Worship

Our devotion toward God should not be sparse, but should be spread throughout the whole of our life. Our everyday lives should include a heart of worship towards God that is not compartmentalized, but mirroring God’s unconditional heart of passion for us and everyone. When we yield our hearts to God, He has a way of taking over everything in our lives. The all of our everything, the all of us, should be surrendered as an act of worship unto our God. We should be losing ourselves to and in Him daily, because this is what a heart of worship looks like. We need a heart that is wholly-holy in pursuit of God to stay focused in times such as these and not lose our grip on God reality and the realism of His Kingdom.

The choices and consequences are clear. Rely on people alone, and life will be tough and brutish. Rely on the one True God, and life will be rich and productive. The heart is most devious and incurably sick. Who can understand it? Jeremiah 17:9 The Voice

Defunct Trickery

We believe in God wholly-holy, yet we also do acknowledge we have an enemy, we glance in that direction, but then we turn away and fully face our God. Our enemy is craftily planning our demise and enticing us towards temporary pleasures that work out in our lives opposite from what he offered, this is the trickery of the enemy of our soul. The devilish directives are kill, steal and destroy, so what about these three things will work out good for us. Trickery is defunct when we believe in God, serving Him first and foremost in our lives and in this kingdom living, deception has no power over us.

Proverbs 2:1-5 My child, listen to what I say, and treasure my commands. Tune your ears to wisdom, and concentrate on understanding. Cry out for insight, and ask for understanding. Search for them as you would for silver; seek them like hidden treasures. Then you will understand what it means to fear the Lord, and you will gain knowledge of God. NLT

Kingdom Aligned

Taking that moment at the start of your day to connect with God your heart to His Heart, your spirit to His Spirit is vital. This is why I call it a vital-vertical relationship.  Why is it vital? Our connection to God, moves us with His Sovereign Sway, and keeps us holy aligned with His Kingdom ways. God’s Will is very hard to discern amidst the many deceptive voices of our human culture, voices being influenced by evil trappings.  We need to know God personally, get to know His Voice, being able to pick it out of all the myriad voices of our generation, above the chaos, hear God’s Voice and follow after Him.

So as the result of the Messiah’s intervention, they shall reverently fear the name of the Lord from the west, and His glory from the rising of the sun. When the enemy shall come in like a flood, the Spirit of the Lord will lift up a standard against him and put him to flight, for He will come like a rushing stream which the breath of the Lord drives. Isaiah 59:19 Amplified Bible

Mirrored Trickery

The way to stay in a Sovereign sway of God and not be moved by this world, is through the Voice of God. Jesus is our Bridegroom, our soon and coming King, Who is coming back for His spotless Bride. We need to listen up to God more and most. This world’s communication is dirtied by the devices of our enemy. Our enemy is simply-significantly using people to carry forth his directive of mirrored trickery. What is mirrored trickery? It is where a person doing what is wrong, falsely accuses someone else who is innocent, not doing this wrong. This mirrored trickery is grossly deceptive, because the wrong done is secreted, and the sinner deceptively, falsely accuses someone of doing the very wrong they are doing in secret. It is the worst kind of blame and it makes the enemy smile when he can successfully carry it out because it causes all kinds of ugly, contagious strife.

Proverbs 4:20-27 Pay attention, my child, to what I say. Listen carefully. Don’t lose sight of my words. Let them penetrate deep within your heart, for they bring life and radiant health to anyone who discovers their meaning. Above all else, guard your heart, for it affects everything you do. Avoid all perverse talk; stay far from corrupt speech. Look straight ahead, and fix your eyes on what lies before you. Mark out a straight path for your feet; then stick to the path and stay safe. Don’t get sidetracked; keep your feet from following evil. New Living Testament

Guard Your Heart

The enemy of our soul does want to steal our hearts away from God, making them cold like stone, stealing our focus away from God and destroying our lives with the eternal death that is his future. We need to work very hard at guarding our hearts, keeping them pure and pliable before God, by not taking up an offense against people, but fighting the fight against the real enemy, satan, and his principalities and powers. We fight the fight of faith in prayer. Forgiveness is also a truly a powerful spiritual warfare because we are acknowledging the control of God in the all of our everything. It is good when we see the real enemy is not the people attacking us, but the principalities and powers of darkness, therefore our heart does not grow cold against people, but it fires up in intercession to God against our real enemy.

Stand On The Side Of Revealed God Truth

The Word of God is living and powerful and is the Bridegroom’s Voice that speaks truth to His Bride, His Church. In this world, there are many forceful assumptions, presumptions, rationalizations and opinions that create emotional storms and stir up strife. We must not step into these whirlwinds, they will not stand the tests of time, they will spin out and the wise thing to do is let them do that without us getting in the middle of it. Only God’s truth will prevail as it powerfully works out an eternal abundance of Kingdom purpose in us. The Light of God’s truth will never be extinguished. God’s truth has a power of permanence with an eternal abundance. In contrast, the enemies lies have a pleasant fake façade, a temporary deception that fizzles out in that powerless, impermanent kind of way, which it is only capable of. The enemy leads us to a dead end, God leads us to a forever life. Which do you stand with? It is ever so good to stand on the side of God’s revealed truth and not be moved by the cultural say-so of our age.

Our enemy desires to consume us, but we find strength to resist him when we are dependent upon God for His strength. 1 Peter 5:8 The Voice

Purposeful Challenge

There is nothing untrue or little about our God, everything He does, He does in His genuine, miraculous kind of way that works purposefully out, with abundance, of all things Him, towards all of us. Therefore, our worship of God should be huge, because He is working purposefully in the all of our lives. We don’t face any challenge without the purposes of God at play inside the trial. And the cool thing, it doesn’t matter how big the challenge, the God purpose in the challenge will be bigger and better. The joy of a challenge that has bloomed in God purpose and changed things for the better, is like the joy of a brand-new morning, where the Son shatters the darkness and everything accedes to God’s light.

“Just as a servant knows that he must first obey his master in all things, so the surrender to an implicit and unquestionable obedience must become the essential characteristic of our lives.” ~ Andrew Murray

Moment To Choice

From every moment to every choice we should be purposefully and intentionally inspired by a heart of worship, where our motives are purely focused up to God and not disseminated to this world. Every second of every day, we breathe in the abundance of God’s provision and we breathe out worship to God. This is real living, this is living on this day for His purpose of Glory, unto only Him. As our hearts are centered in God, we can be assured to be in His will from every moment, into our every choice. Our hearts can stay undivided even in a world that is tugging at them in many mediatic ways. There is no better way to live right now, then to have an undivided heart of worship to King Jesus. The best way to develop this amazing spiritual habit of making the right choice the first time, is by growing in humility before God. There is a way to do this daily, to start each day humbly before God. Bow. Have you bowed today? Let your first step out in your day be down and bow your life humbly before God, connecting with Him heart to Heart and spirit to Spirit and surrendering your life to His way, truth and life.

Miraculous Musings Is A Table At The Bridegroom’s Café That Brings Much Delight To Our Souls As We Sit With Jesus, Eating A Meal He Has Prepared Especially For Us. Miraculous Musings Are Spoken By God And Written By KimberlyMac. He speaks, I listen and when I mull things over and over in my mind, the things of the world seem to shake off and the purity of Kingdom precept remains in my soul. Enjoy My Miraculous Musings And May They Change Your Life In The Forever Way That Only God’s Word Can. AWE-GOD! Think about it yourself and leave a comment from your miraculous musings, something that will bless someone else. Pass on the inspiration by using the social media buttons below. Thank you.

Miraculous Musings Is A Table At The Bridegroom’s Café That Brings Much Delight To Our Souls As We Sit With Jesus, Eating A Meal He Has Prepared Especially For Us. Miraculous Musings Are Spoken By God And Written By KimberlyMac. He speaks, I listen and when I mull things over and over in my mind, the things of the world seem to shake off and the purity of Kingdom precept remains in my soul. Enjoy My Miraculous Musings And May They Change Your Life In The Forever Way That Only God’s Word Can. AWE-GOD! Think about it yourself and leave a comment from your miraculous musings, something that will bless someone else. Pass on the inspiration by using the social media buttons below. Thank you.

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