BE Lame


There is a false sense of self-protection in harboring an offense. It keeps you from seeing your own character flaws, because the blame is deferred to another. Author~John Bevere

Shouldering Unfairness?

Did you ever feel like you wanted to quit doing what was right? Nothing is turning out like you planned? Everything is your fault, but you have done nothing wrong and have made sacrifices to do things right. You get blamed for the things that are wrong with everyone else? Ever felt these things? How did you react to them? Probably not well. I have found that God uses these kind of injustices, these kind of unfairness to “flesh out” our souls. Nothing quite fleshes out your anger, brings it to the forefront like injustice does. When someone wants to blame you for their inadequacies, this is the hardest type of unfairness to shoulder, especially when you have gone above and beyond to do your part in the relationship.

Is Our Reaction Is On Us?

Blame is just simple: BE Lame. Blame never solves anything, never fixes anything just digs a deeper crevice between you and the other person. Reaction to blame, reaction to the injustices, reaction to the unfairness, this is on you. How are you reacting to other people blaming you for their personal dysfunctions? It is unfair, yes, but life is about us and how we live it. Your finite reaction will burn the bridge to the relationship. Responding in Christ will repair the bridge to the relationship.

There was a day when I died; died to self, my opinions, preferences, tastes and will; died to the world, its approval or censure; died to the approval or blame even of my brethren or friends; and since then I have studied only to show myself approved unto God. Author~George Mueller

Do You Feel Like Quitting?

Quitting on someone is not an option. Why? Because Jesus did not quit on us. Jesus has not quit on You or me. He is purposefully and intently determined to forbear and finish what He has started in us. If you think about it, we blame God for so many things, so He understands what we are “growing through”. In fact more than anything He understands because He took the blame for all of our sins, all of our human deficiency and He did not react in anger to this unfairness, this injustice. Our King, in the face of iniquitousness, He humbly, meekly paid the price He did not owe, but we did. He did not yell out this is not my fault, I have done nothing wrong. He said, “Father forgive them, they know not what they do.” Jesus took our blame upon Himself and He died our death, the one we deserved to die, not Him.

What cannot be altered must be borne, not blamed. Author~Thomas Fuller

Is Blame At The Center Of Your Relationship?

When people blame us for their inadequacies, their problems, things they don’t want to face about themselves, they are transferring their human condition on us. They don’t want to deal with it and it is easier to put it off on someone else than deal with it themselves. Truth and love is the way to stop this transferal of guilt. When we react angrily to the injustice, that choice just adds more dysfunction to the relationship and opens the door wide for blame on both sides. Anger puts blame at the center of your liaison and the relationship stays lame and crippled. Displace the blame and put Jesus in the middle of all things and healing and restoration is the result.

How easy it is to blame others for our unhappiness, but we are only unhappy when something other than Christ has become our life. The husband or wife who has Christ as their life, comes to their spousal relationship already satisfied. They do not come continually looking to made happy by another person’s attention; they bring Christ’s life to their spouse. Author~Francis Frangipane

Do You Walk In Blame Or Truth And Love?

Jesus spoke truth when He said he had done nothing wrong. He was innocent, yet He chose to die for the sins of others. Truth and Love. Jesus spoke the truth and modeled for us how truth sets you free of your fleshly reaction. In response to the false blame, Jesus loved sacrificially. He did not quit on our humanity, instead He turned the other cheek and He loved us when we did not deserve it. Truth and Love, go hand in hand and when they do, they stomp out blame, anger and human dysfunction, they irradiate it. Truth does not accept the responsibility for another person’s inadequacies, truth does not take the blame, and truth puts the light back where the responsible person is accountable for their own wrong doings. Love bears with, it shoulders the human condition, it helps bring freedom to the person, it sacrifices so the other person can bear the responsibility for their shortcomings without becoming lame.

“The conflict will always be beyond your strength. The enemy always pushes us beyond our personal, inbred, preset limits concerning how far we will go for God. The test kills the limits of our humanity, until we are like Christ in everything. We are left with a choice: Become Christlike or gradually shrivel into superficial hypocrites: angry people who have stopped walking with God, who blame others for our bitterness.” Author~ Francis Frangipane

A Simple Guide for Behavior

“Don’t pick on people, jump on their failures, criticize their faults— unless, of course, you want the same treatment. That critical spirit has a way of boomeranging. It’s easy to see a smudge on your neighbor’s face and be oblivious to the ugly sneer on your own. Do you have the nerve to say, ‘Let me wash your face for you,’ when your own face is distorted by contempt? It’s this whole traveling road-show mentality all over again, playing a holier-than-thou part instead of just living your part. Wipe that ugly sneer off your own face, and you might be fit to offer a washcloth to your neighbor. Matthew 7:1-5 The Message

Thoughts come and go, but when the Holy Spirit speaks, they are highlighted by our human senses and they are the beginning of a transformation of our soul, that paints a God characteristic on our spirit that remains forever. Pay attention to the bites of God Thoughts that come in your Miraculous Musings with God, they are simply-significantly purposeful. I hope you are forever changed by this little bite of God revelation that is now more than Just A Thought to your heart by the power of the Holy Spirit. Check out more of The Bridegroom’s Cafe and be blessed by AWE-GOD MUCH! KimberlyMac

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