2 Corinthians 1:3-11

2 Corinthians 1:3-11All praise goes to God, Father of our Lord Jesus, the Anointed One. He is the Father of compassion, the God of all comfort. 4 He consoles us as we endure the pain and hardship of life so that we may draw from His comfort and share it with others in their own struggles. 5 For even as His suffering continues to flood over us, through the Anointed we experience the wealth of His comfort just the same. 6 If we are afflicted with such trouble and pain, then know it is so that you might ultimately experience comfort and salvation. If we experience comfort, it is to encourage you so that you can hold up while you endure the same sufferings we all share.7 Remember that our hope for you stands firm, unshaken and unshakable. That’s because we k ow that as you share in our sufferings, so you will also share in our comfort. 8 My brothers and sisters, we have to tell you that when we were in Asia the troubles we faced were nearly more than we could handle. The burdens we bore nearly crushed us. Our strength dwindled to nothing. For a while, we weren’t sure we would make it through the whole ordeal. 9 We thought we would have to serve out our death sentences right then and there. As a result, we realized that we could no longer rely on ourselves and that we must trust solely in God, who possesses the power to raise the dead. 10 Miraculously God Himself delivered us from the cold hands of death. We again place our hope in Him alone, and we know He will deliver us. 11 Join us in this work. Lend us a hand through prayer so that many will give thanks for the gift that comes to us when God answers the prayers of so many.

The Voice Bible Copyright © 2012 Thomas Nelson, Inc. The Voice™ translation © 2012 Ecclesia Bible Society All rights reserved.


Miraculous Musings…I like to take a large block of scripture and pray through it, thinking it out in my mind, running it through my soul, musing on it with my spirit. I listen up for the thoughts of God and I write my miraculous musings which God uses to encourage others. This one is from the scripture, 2 Corinthians 1:3-11. Read the scripture, read my musings about it and then add a comment of your own thoughts. God bless you. Much!

My Musing About God’s Love Attributes

The God of all comfort, the God of compassion, His love attributes are a strong part of His character. Compassion is a strong suit of His. God’s comfort is like no other you have ever felt. There is nothing weak in the proprietorship of His character, every bit of His character stands strongly. That is why we see Him work so brilliantly in our lives.

My Musing About God’s Sovereignty

Where the Sovereign will of God ushers in something that is hard to swallow in the moment, the Infinite love of God rushes in and undergirds us to do so. They work hand in hand, God’s character traits, all working diligently for us and for our good. There is no doubt about it that He is a compassionate God, yet His Will is strong enough to enforce what is good for us. His compassion soothes the impact and helps us “grow through” the times we don’t understand His ways.

My Musing About God’s Purposeful Hardships

The concept that some of our hardships may be purposeful is a very interesting one. I heard that clearly in this scripture. We draw comfort, so we can share it with others. I know a lot of times I pray and ask God to use me. So many times I have prayed that prayer: Lord use my life. Then when hardships come the first thing I ask God is: “Why”?

My Musing About God’s Strengthening Comfort

There is purpose in every hardship, but there is also the comfort of God. Even in our trials, we don’t go without the comfort and love of God. What if God is using this current hardship to strengthen the faith of someone else? Would I submit to it differently? Would I embrace the trial, because I am embracing the purposes of God in play in my life. Hmmmmmm.

My Musing About God’s Future Hope

Because of Jesus, because of the stripes on His back, nothing about suffering is ever in vain, it is all redeemable. Suffering is purposeful and it is redeemed in Kingdom glory. A human mess becomes a kingdom message. A hurt becomes a heavenly hindsight. A sickness becomes a saving grace recovery. A death sentence becomes a future hope. God transforms human suffering into kingdom good. God gives suffering a flip side of the coin of human viewpoint to a kingdom perspective.

My Musing About God’s Kingdom Perspective

When suffering comes we know without a doubt, the God purpose in it is greater than the suffering and He will be with us in that miraculous way of His. What we see in our suffering, our worldly viewpoint, will not be the end result of what we get, His Kingdom perspective. God is a transformer of suffering and His comfort never leaves us as His salvation is worked out in us. Suffering comes in like a flood of despair and goes out in the joy of a future hope. God is with us. Always and forever.

My Musing About The Word Of Life

God will show up in the middle of our suffering and become the saving solution that brings hope as we wait on Him, trusting wholly-holy in Him. Jesus is the Word of life, His Words are alive and powerful and will strongly remind us of His Sovereignty over our suffering. The living Word of God has so much life and as we get into God’s Word and His Word gets into our soul.

My Musing About God’s Sovereignty Over Us

With His Word God daily reminds us strongly about His Sovereignty over us and how we can trust Him with an active trust, a powerful trust that takes responsibility and prudently acts out in faith, trumping all doubt. Listen up to this song today and may God Almighty speak to your heart in that miraculous way that only He can, as He holds you in His powerful healing hands and you begin to see the flip side of the coin of suffering, the kingdom perspective instead of the worldly viewpoint.

My Musing About God’s Deadening Of Our Rationalizations

When our troubles are more than what we can handle, it will bring death to our rationalization that we can do life on our own. The realism of a failed human strength will bring us to the decision of letting go and letting God and it will change forever our way of living life.

My Musings About God’s Allowed Trials

We can’t rely on ourselves it is a temporary effort that fizzles out in the midst of a heated trial. We can’t successfully rely on ourselves and there is no better time than know to realize this and turn away from self strength to a complete sole trust in God.

My Musings About God’s Choices For Us

Our precious God wants us, chose us and loves us and He provides everything for us. He a way for us to have the resurrected power of Jesus, that we could tap into this power. We no longer need to control our lives. We can confidently surrender to God in that wholly-holy kind of way.

My Musings About God Opening Our Eyes

When we have tried so hard and failed and are exhausted of all of our human strength, God opens our eyes to the strength that we have always had, but have not recognized. Sometimes it takes a life trial for us to see the life power of Jesus Christ that we are missing out on. Lord open our eyes wide to You, use every situation that drains our personal strength and cause us to fully face You, to acknowledge our need for You and Your ability to supply all we need.

My Musings About God’s Best

God saved us from the worst of our consequences, which is why it is so easy to trust Him with our today. He has already made a way for us, a way we could not have made for ourselves, a way of forever life. There is nothing better, He has already done the best for us that can be done. That is why there is nothing that we can face on this earth that is too hard for Him, that is why we trust Him so much.

My Musings About God’s Resurrection Power

God has already purchased for me exactly what I need to live and He did it in such a self-sacrificing way, putting me totally first over Himself. I can’t help but trust Him completely with the challenges I face today. I already know He is all in with me and for me. He has shown me that in a huge way. I am reminded by it daily, every time I see the cross, it speaks volumes of His Love for me. I rejoice with great joy that it is an empty cross and the Savior Who died on it, died in my place and rose miraculously from the dead. Yes, Jesus died my death, so that I might live my life through His resurrected power.

My Musings About God’s Relationship With Us

In our relationship with God, our communication with Him is called prayer. We talk to God, we pray for us and for other people. Prayer is the best gift we can give to anyone. Prayer engages the Father God in our lives, it connects us to the greatest power, love and strength we could ever know. The purposes of God are set into play as we pray to God and His Providential care comes into play and He begins working His goodness with the endgame of His glory. Prayer powerfully evokes the purposes of God to come into play in our lives and it is God’s way of communicating with us as He works out His salvation in our lives. Pray for each other, it is a gift that keeps giving.

Miraculous Musings Is A Table At The Bridegroom’s Café That Brings Much Delight To Our Souls As We Sit With Jesus, Eating A Meal He Has Prepared Especially For Us. Miraculous Musings Are Spoken By God And Written By KimberlyMac. He speaks, I listen and when I mull things over and over in my mind, the things of the world seem to shake off and the purity of Kingdom precept remains in my soul. Enjoy My Miraculous Musings And May They Change Your Life In The Forever Way That Only God’s Word Can. AWE-GOD! Think about it yourself and leave a comment from your miraculous musings, something that will bless someone else. Pass on the inspiration by using the social media buttons below. Thank you.

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